What To Know About Subfertility and How to Increase the Odds of Conception

March 7, 2024

What To Know About Subfertility and How to Increase the Odds of Conception

Are you dreaming of starting a family but finding it difficult to conceive? You are not alone. Many couples face challenges when trying to have a baby. In medical terms, this condition is called subfertility. It can be a source of stress and frustration, but with the right knowledge and professional guidance from fertility specialists, there is hope. In this blog, we will explore what subfertility is, its causes, and how you can increase your odds of conception.

Understanding Subfertility

Subfertility refers to a reduced ability to conceive within a reasonable time frame. It differs from infertility, which means the inability to conceive altogether. Couples who have been actively trying to get pregnant for more than a year without success may be considered subfertile.

Causes of Subfertility

Subfertility can have various underlying causes, affecting both female and male fertility. It is important to remember that fertility issues can arise from either partner or sometimes a combination of factors. Some common causes include:

  1. Hormonal Imbalances: Irregular ovulation or problems with hormone production can hinder conception.
  2. Fallopian Tube Blockage: Blockages in the fallopian tubes prevent the sperm from reaching the egg or the fertilised egg from implanting in the uterus.
  3. PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome): PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects ovulation and can lead to irregular periods or even absence of menstruation.
  4. Male Factors: Male infertility due to low sperm count, poor sperm quality or blockages in the reproductive system can also contribute to subfertility.

How to Increase the Odds of Conception

While subfertility can be challenging, there are several strategies and treatments available that can increase your chances of getting pregnant:

  1. Fertility Tests: It is crucial to undergo comprehensive fertility tests to identify any underlying issues. These fertility tests evaluate hormone levels, ovulation, sperm count and other factors that affect female and male fertility.
  2. Lifestyle Changes: Adopting a healthy lifestyle can positively impact you female and male fertility. Maintain a balanced diet, engage in regular exercise, manage stress and avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
  3. Timed Intercourse: Understanding your menstrual cycle and timing intercourse during your most fertile days can maximise the chances of conception. Ovulation prediction kits or tracking basal body temperature can help determine the best timing.
  4. ART (Assisted Reproductive Techniques): In cases where natural conception is not possible, assisted reproductive techniques such as IUI treatment (Intrauterine Insemination) or IVF treatment (In Vitro Fertilisation) may be recommended by your fertility doctor. These procedures enhance the chances of fertilisation and Implantation.

In conclusion, subfertility presents challenges for couples aspiring to start a family, but it is not an obstacle that cannot be overcome. Understanding the causes of subfertility and seeking professional guidance from fertility specialists are crucial steps towards achieving conception. Through fertility tests, lifestyle adjustments, timed intercourse and assisted reproductive techniques, there is hope for couples navigating the journey of subfertility.

At Apollo Fertility, our experienced team of fertility specialists provides comprehensive evaluations, innovative treatments and unwavering support throughout your fertility journey. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards realising your dream of starting or expanding your family.

How long should we try before seeking medical help?

If you are under 35 years old and have been trying for more than a year without success, it is advisable to consult a fertility specialist. For women over 35, seeking help after six months of unsuccessful attempts is recommended.

Are there any lifestyle factors that affect female and male fertility?

Yes, certain lifestyle factors can impact fertility. Maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding excessive caffeine consumption, reducing stress levels and avoiding exposure to toxins or chemicals can all contribute to better reproductive health.

Can male infertility be treated?

Absolutely. Male infertility is treatable in many cases. Treatments may include lifestyle changes, medication to improve sperm count or quality or assisted reproductive techniques such as ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection).

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