Frequently Asked Questions

When should one choose IVF?

IVF is still the treatment of choice for women who have blocked tubes or absent fallopian tubes because it was first established for these conditions. It is also applied when additional problems are present, such as endometriosis, male factor infertility, and infertility that cannot be explained medically. Our specialists examine your medical history and assist in directing you towards the diagnostic and treatment techniques that are most suitable for you.

What factors contribute to male infertility?

The male partner is responsible for one-third of the infertility problems. The higher rate of miscarriages is influenced by male variables as well. The following are the most typical reasons for male infertility.
● Chronic illnesses like cancer;
● environmental factors such as exposure to radioactive substances;
● lifestyle factors such as obesity, smoking, and alcohol consumption;
● abnormal sperm count or low sperm motility;
● age

What leads to infertility in women?

Gender has no bearing on infertility. Both the male and female populations are impacted. The female partner is responsible for one-third of the infertility problems. 50–80 million people worldwide struggle with infertility. The following are the most typical reasons why women are infertile.
● Age
● Endometriosis
● Ovulation Disorders-Inducing Hormones,
● Tubal Obstruction,
● Fibroids, and
● Lifestyle Factors including Being Overweight, Smoking, Drinking Alcohol, and Unhealthy Diet, as well as Unexplained Infertility

What impact does a woman's age have on her infertility?

A woman’s ovaries contain about 2 million eggs at birth. Every month before a girl enters puberty, 11,000 eggs perish. Therefore, a lady only has 300,000 to 400,000 eggs available when she is a teenager. 1000 eggs or so are used each month after this point. Nothing about birth control, pregnancy, hormone production, health, lifestyle, or nutritional supplements has anything to do with this. A woman eventually achieves menopause when she has no more viable eggs.

Does PCOS impact a woman's ability to conceive?

A condition known as PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is brought on by hormonal abnormalities. Male hormones are produced in greater than usual amounts by PCOS-afflicted women. This has an impact on ovulation and may cause irregular menstrual cycles. Women with PCOS may occasionally experience irregular periods. This may then make it more difficult for these women to become pregnant. In actuality, one of the most prevalent factors in female infertility is PCOS.

Describe endometriosis.

Endometrial tissues that proliferate outside of the uterus are known as endometriosis, a frequent condition in females. This gynaecological disorder can affect the ovaries, fallopian tubes, tissues lining the pelvis, and, in extremely rare circumstances, the abdominal cavity as well.

What is IUI or intrauterine insemination?

Artificial insemination sometimes referred to as intrauterine insemination, is a non-invasive ART technique. The treatment is less expensive than more complex ones like IVF and ICSI and is simpler, easier to carry out, and requires less work from the pair. IUI is typically advised for couples with healthy ovarian reserves and semen characteristics but with concomitant issues including PCOS, minor endometriosis, borderline sperm counts and motility, as well as for infertility without apparent medical causes.

What are the five steps involved in IVF?

Fertility drugs promote the production of eggs in the ovaries. Egg retrieval: After the ultrasound-assisted removal of the follicles, an embryologist will evaluate the quality and number of the eggs. Fertilization and Embryo Culture: The best quality eggs are fertilised using either a regular IVF cycle or an ICSI cycle, and then the embryos are evaluated for development. Embryo Transfer: The embryologist plans the transfer date after discussing the results of the examination with the fertility doctor. The transfer is carried out inside the uterus by a fertility specialist. All unused embryos are stored and frozen for potential use in the event of a miscarriage.

Cryopreservation: What Does It Mean?

Oocyte cryopreservation, commonly referred to as egg freezing, is the procedure of removing, freezing, and storing a woman’s eggs for future use. Women who have been diagnosed with cancer and are planning to have an oncological treatment like radiotherapy or chemotherapy may find that cryopreservation is quite advantageous. Oocyte cryopreservation is an option for women who are not married or who live in circumstances that do not support childbirth.

Do IVF-born children have birth defects?

It is crucial to be aware that significant deformities account for around 3% of all birth defects in people in the general population, and minor defects account for 6%. Fortunately, we now have ample evidence that children conceived by IVF do not experience an increase in these rates of birth abnormalities as a result of the procedure itself, more than 20 years after Louise Brown was born (the first IVF baby). The age of the intended parents and infertility are two factors that have been linked to a slight upsurge in abnormalities. Additional research on older kids shows that, despite what is likely a social prejudice, IVF children have performed as well as or better than their peers in academic attainment and do not experience greater rates of behavioural or psychological issues.

A fertility diet in 10 easy steps

• Keep fast food out. Eat more home-cooked meals instead; cook with more vegetable oil; include more plant proteins like fresh beans and nuts; stay away from pasta, rice, and sweets; select full-fat milk or yoghurt over skim; take a multivitamin including folic acid and vitamin B; and steer clear of red meat. To get more iron, up your consumption of fruits and legumes. To get a healthy body weight, avoid alcohol and drink more water.

What exactly does PGT-A (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for aneuploidy) mean?

PGT-A is a genetic test used on embryos to detect aneuploidy or numerical chromosomal abnormalities. Embryos are put through this test before being placed inside the uterus. All of the embryos produced during an IVF cycle can be examined to identify those free of chromosomal aneuploidy for selective transfer. As a result, the miscarriage rates dropped but the pregnancy rates per transfer rose.

Preimplantation Genetic Testing - Monogenic (PGT-M): What does it mean?

PGT-M entails screening embryos for a variety of monogenic diseases, including thalassemia, haemophilia, and particular forms of muscular dystrophy. Having an unaffected child is beneficial for couples who have a history of these disorders in their families or who have had children who suffer from them. Every embryo created through Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) has its monogenic disease status checked. To have a child devoid of disease, only unaffected or healthy embryos are transferred. This can also be used in conjunction with PGT-A to raise success rates even higher.

What does the abbreviation PGT-SR (Preimplantation Genetic Testing - Structural Rearrangement) mean?

People with chromosomal rearrangements are tested with PGT-SR (structures that hold our genetic material are not of normal size or arrangement). These individuals run the danger of creating embryos with imbalanced chromosomal arrangements. These unviable embryos can cause several miscarriages. PGT-SR can aid in the selection of healthy embryos for transfer by checking embryos for such particular rearrangements.

What should I anticipate from my initial consultation with a fertility specialist?

You are needed to bring both your spouse’s and your ID papers for the initial appointment. Additionally, you will be required to bring any pertinent medical reports and records.

Which fertility treatments are offered? What is their price?

We provide all available infertility treatments Including intrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilization, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, egg donor treatments, and sperm donor treatments. We also provide sperm and oocyte freezing services. Since each patient receives a personalized course of treatment, the price will vary from instance to case. Following your consultation with our doctor, the doctor will analyze your past medical records and history, recommend any additional investigations, and then choose the best course of action for you. Our counsellor will then go over the process and cost with you.

I need to get IVF treatment. What steps must be taken?

You can begin treatment after scheduling a visit to our facility and following the doctor’s recommendation. You can book an appointment on our website.

What percentage of treatments are successful at your facility?

Most couples seeking treatment can now become pregnant thanks to advancements in medicine, surgery, and ART. Couples receiving ART treatment now have a much higher success rate. Success in ART is influenced by a variety of elements. IVF success rates range between 60 to 70%, whereas IUI success rates hover around 15-20% on average. Additionally, the success rate varies from instance to case. After speaking with our doctor, you will learn more about the specifics of the treatment and your likelihood of success.

Is my age an issue for fertility treatments?

Age is a factor in infertility, however, the exact cause varies from person to person. Nothing can be confirmed over the phone. We advise making an appointment at our clinic so that the doctor may examine you thoroughly before making a treatment recommendation. According to the ART Law, infertility treatment is available for males and females up to the respective age ranges.

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