Semen Analysis

Overview of Semen Analysis 

The viability and health of a man's sperm are examined through semen analysis, also referred to as a sperm count test. The fluid that is discharged during ejaculation is known as semen, which contains other proteins and sugars in addition to sperm. Three crucial aspects of sperm health are assessed by a semen analysis:

  • the shape of the sperm,
  • the movement of the sperm commonly referred to as sperm motility, and
  • the number of sperm

About Semen Analysis 

A problem with sperm or semen may be one of the causes of your infertility if you and your partner have been unable to get pregnant. Infertility, or the failure to conceive after a year of trying, can be brought on by issues including improperly moving sperm or a low sperm count. A semen analysis can determine whether a sperm or semen issue is likely to be the root of infertility.

To provide a clear picture of the sperm's health, doctors frequently do two or three separate sperm analyses. The tests should be performed over the course of two to three months and at least a week apart, as recommended by the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC). Sperm counts might change every day. The most reliable result comes from averaging the sperm samples.

Risk factors associated with Semen Analysis 

A semen analysis carries no known risks.

Preparing for Semen Analysis 

Prior to the sample being taken, you must refrain from any sexual activity that causes sperm to be ejected for a period of two to seven days. Your sperm count will be at its greatest due to this. You will receive detailed instructions from your provider. It's crucial to adhere to these instructions to get reliable results.

What to Expect from Semen Analysis?

You must submit a sample of semen. The semen must be analysed right away before the sperm start to die for accurate results. Because of this, you will often give a sample in a private lab setting by masturbating and gathering your semen in a sterile container. Before getting your sample, you could be requested to urinate (pee), wash your hands, and clean your penis, thereby preventing skin bacteria from entering the sample.

If you'd prefer, you might be able to obtain your sample while having sex at home with the use of a unique condom that your doctor will offer you. However, you must get the sample to the lab within 30 to 60 minutes of the collection while keeping it at body temperature.

Within a week or two, you might be required to supply two or more semen samples. This is due to the fact that your sperm count and semen quality might change from day to day. If you have any queries or worries regarding providing a semen sample, get in touch with your doctor.

Possible Results of Semen Analysis

Many measurements describing the semen and sperm will be included in the semen analysis if it is done to determine fertility, including:

  • Sperm count: If the count is low, getting your spouse pregnant could be challenging.
  • Volume: Infertility may be brought on by low volume.
  • Sperm motility: Sperm must move forward to fertilise an egg.
  • Sperm concentration: Low sperm concentrations could be an indication of a fertility problem.
  • Sperm morphology: Abnormally shaped sperm might not be capable of fertilising an egg.
  •  Leukocytes: The presence of white blood cells in sperm can indicate an infection impacting fertility.
  • pH: An abnormally acidic environment might kill sperm or impair their mobility.

The results of your semen analysis assessing vasectomy will demonstrate if there's any sperm in the semen. Following a successful vasectomy, it's not uncommon to detect sperm in several ejaculations.

When to see a doctor?

You might require a semen analysis if:

  • If you recently had a vasectomy and want to make sure there are no sperm in your semen.
  • You and your partner are unsuccessful in conceiving a child for at least a year. 

Request an appointment at Apollo Fertility, Lajpat Nagar, South Delhi. Call 1860-500-4424 to book an appointment.


Sperm morphology is only a small component of fertility, therefore it's crucial that you discuss your results with your doctor to see whether they may have an impact on your ability to conceive with your partner. Ask if there are any lifestyle adjustments you could make right now, and go from there.

1. What do I use to collect my semen sample?

Use the collection kit offered by the laboratory. Your sperm sample may be impacted by other collection kits or items available at home.

2. What if I am unable to collect a sample of semen?

There is a specialised collecting kit available to take your sample during natural intercourse.

3. How soon after collecting the semen sample must I give it to the lab or service provider?

After collection, your sample should reach the lab in 30 to 60 minutes.

4. How long must I refrain from sexual activity before having my semen examined?

Before the test, there should be a two-day but no more than seven days of sexual abstinence. According to research, the ideal range for sperm count and motility characteristics could be expected in this time frame.

5. Why do I need another semen analysis when I already had one?

Several factors may call for a repetition, including: The sample is no longer eligible for examination because it seeped from the pot. The sample couldn't be processed since it arrived outside of lab hours. Verification of an earlier semen analysis finding. At the facility, the sample was received more than 45 minutes following production. The results of the analysis were low or surprising.

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