An Overview of Embryo Donation

Couples can conceive even when they don't use their own eggs and sperm, thanks to the process of embryo donation. When a couple cannot become pregnant through IVF because their own sperm or eggs are problematic, the need for embryo donation arises.

In this case, they have the option to adopt an embryo created by the union of a donor egg and donor sperm.

About the Embryo Donation Procedure 

The process of donating an embryo includes a number of phases, including:

1. Selecting an Embryo Donor: The couple may decide on a known or anonymous embryo donor based on a variety of characteristics, such as physical characteristics, family history, age, or other factors.

2. Medical Tests and Consultations: The mother-to-be will undergo a number of tests to make sure her uterus can support a pregnancy. Additionally, she will undergo tests to determine how her body will react to the medications required to get her ready for pregnancy. Mental and physical counselling is required for both the recipient and the donor.

3. Legal Procedure: In this process, both the donor and the recipient must consult with qualified legal counsel. Legal documents indicating and confirming that the intended parents will be the guardians of the resulting child or children must be signed by the donor couple and the receiving couple.

4. Transfer of Frozen Embryos: Following the donation of the embryos, the recipient mothers will be prepared for the frozen embryo transfer. Medication will be given to them to get their uterus ready for pregnancy.

5. Pregnancy testing: A blood test can tell if the woman is pregnant after the embryo has been implanted for two weeks. If the transfer was successful, she will take medicine for the next five weeks to keep the pregnancy going. The process can be repeated with any leftover donated embryos if the woman is unable to conceive.

Who qualifies for Embryo Donation?

The following requirements must be met by anyone wishing to donate their eggs, sperm, or excess embryos from an IVF pregnancy:

  • Men should be under the age of 50, and women should be less than 36 years of age. 
  • They should not have any contagious or communicable illnesses, such as HIV, hepatitis, or others.
  • The risk of hereditary or genetic diseases in the donor's family as well as in themselves should be zero.
  • A healthy reproductive system, including both ovaries and an ovarian reserve, is required for egg donors.
  • They must have adequate hormone levels.
  • Menstrual cycles in women should be consistent.

Why embryo donation is conducted?

Embryo donation is conducted for couples who cannot conceive with their own eggs or sperm due to various reasons. Some of them are as follows:

  • They run the risk of passing severe genetic diseases to their offspring.
  • The woman experienced an early case of menopause.
  • Parents who are single and want a child
  • Partners who lack the eggs and sperm necessary for natural conception
  • They have experienced many unsuccessful IVF attempts.

Benefits of Embryo Donation

For infertile couples, embryo donation has a plethora of advantages, including:

  • They can become pregnant and experience a whole range of maternal emotions.
  • Embryo donation is less expensive than other methods of assisted reproduction.
  • The medical treatment is incredibly quick and easy to complete.
  • Since the embryos are donated rather than purchased, the only expenses incurred are for administration and medical care.
  • It grants lesbian couples and single women the blessing of having a biological child.

Risks or Complications of Embryo Donation

The following are some risks associated with embryo donation:

  • The donated embryos may not be viable.
  • The chance of an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy is 2–4 percent.
  • There is a chance of multiple pregnancies, including twins, triplets, and more.
  • Premature labour, birth abnormalities, or elevated blood pressure during pregnancy could result from multiple pregnancies.
  • The couples won’t share any genetic traits with their offspring.

Final Takeaway

Embryo donation greatly helps infertile couples have biological children at a low price. We believe you now have a brief understanding of the embryo donation procedure.

1. In the embryo donation process, who donates the embryo?

The donated embryos may have originated from couples that underwent successful IVF procedures and had extra frozen embryos they did not want to use moving forward.

2. How does one go about donating an embryo?

The same regulations that apply to gamete donors also apply to donors. Women should be under the age of 36, while men should be under the age of 50. They should be free of contagious or inherited illnesses.

3. Does the adoption of embryos have a waiting list?

Depending on each clinic and whether it has its own “bank of embryos,” the waiting period for embryo adoption varies.

4. Can someone buy frozen embryos?

No, frozen embryos aren’t bought; they’re donated. To know more regarding embryo donation request an appointment at: Apollo Fertility, Borivali East, Mumbai Call 1860 500 4424 to book an appointment.

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