
What is Hysteroscopy? 

A hysteroscopy is a medical procedure performed to study the uterus's interior. It is done with the help of a hysteroscope, a small telescope with a light and a camera at the end. Your doctor or a nurse with specialised training can view the images on a monitor. No skin incisions are necessary because the hysteroscope can enter the uterus through the vagina. The main purposes of hysteroscopy are to identify and address the causes of irregular uterine bleeding and other uterine abnormalities.

What is the need for a Hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy is generally used to diagnose and treat diseases that result in high menstrual flow, irregular spotting between periods, abnormal uterine bleeding, and bleeding after menopause.

The following uterine disorders may be diagnosed and treated via hysteroscopy, according to your doctor:

  • Hysteroscopy can discover and remove uterine abnormalities like polyps and fibroids. A hysteroscopy polypectomy is a medical term for the surgical removal of a polyp. A hysteroscopy myomectomy is a medical term for the surgical excision of a fibroid.
  • Sometimes the menstrual cycle can be affected by Asherman's syndrome. It is when the uterus develops bands of scar tissue. This can alter the menstrual flow and also result in infertility. Your doctor can find and get rid of the adhesions with the aid of a hysteroscopy.
  • Congenital issues such as uterine septums can be detected with a hysteroscopy.

How is Hysteroscopy conducted?

  1. You will change into a hospital gown.
  2. You will have to empty your bladder.
  3. You may be given sedatives to relax yourself.
  4. Depending on the location of the hysteroscopy, and if any additional procedures need to be carried out, you might get an appropriate anaesthetic.
  5. You will be asked to lie on the exam table, with your legs in stirrups.
  6. The surgeon will then 
  • Examine the pelvis.
  • Dilate your cervix so the hysteroscope can be inserted.
  • Insert the hysteroscope into the uterus
  • Push a liquid into the uterus to clean out any blood or mucus. This makes it easier for the surgeon to view the fallopian tubes, uterus and uterus lining.
  • Irregularities in the uterus, if any, are removed by pushing surgical tools through the hysteroscope.

The duration of a hysteroscopy might range from a few minutes to more than an hour. The timing also depends on whether the operation is diagnostic or surgical, or whether laparoscopy is also being performed concurrently. Typically, diagnostic hysteroscopy requires less time than an operation.

What are the risks of Hysteroscopy?

Although some patients may experience difficulties during surgery, the procedure is considered secure. Less than 1% of hysteroscopy patients experience problems, which might take the following forms:

  • Reaction to the anaesthesia.
  • Infection.
  • Injury to your cervix, uterus, bowel or bladder.
  • Heavy bleeding.
  • Reaction to the substance used to expand your uterus.
  • Intrauterine scarring.

The Bottom Line

Although some women go back to work the same day, most women feel ready to resume their regular activities the following day.

If a general anaesthetic was applied, you might want to take a few days off to recover.

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1. What is the purpose of a hysteroscopy?

Investigation of symptoms or issues like heavy periods, atypical vaginal bleeding, postmenopausal bleeding, pelvic pain, recurrent miscarriages, or trouble getting pregnant can be done using a hysteroscopy. detect diseases, including polyps and fibroids.

2. Are you given a sedative before a hysteroscopy?

Your cervix, or opening to the womb, may occasionally be numbed with a local anaesthetic during the process. A general anaesthetic may be used for longer or trickier procedures, such as the excision of fibroids. This implies that while the procedure is being done, you will be unconscious.

3. What activities ought to be avoided before a hysteroscopy?

Before the hysteroscopy, you might be instructed to refrain from using tampons, douches, or vaginal medications for 24 hours. Find out from your doctor whether you require transportation home. It may be dangerous for you to drive or make your way home if you've taken anaesthesia or pain medication.

4. When should a hysteroscopy be performed?

The best time for diagnostic hysteroscopy in perimenopausal women with normal menstrual cycles is right after menstruation, during the follicular phase of the cycle. Before hysteroscopy, pregnancy should be logically ruled out.

5. Is a hospital stay necessary following a hysteroscopy?

You will be kept under observation after a hysteroscopy as any anaesthesia wears off. You could require pain medication. Typically, you can return home that same day, but you should have a ride.

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