Egg Donation

Egg donation is a process of assisted reproductive technology in which a woman (donor) contributes her eggs to another woman (recipient) to help her have a child or be a surrogate (a woman who carries the child for someone who is unable to conceive).

Process of Egg Donation

The process involves:

Donor Screening

The doctor tests the genetic, psychological, hormonal, and physical health of the potential donor before starting the egg donation process.

Ovarian Stimulation

The donor receives fertility medications to induce the ovulation of multiple eggs. During this time, the doctor monitors the ovaries from time to time.

Egg Retrieval

The doctor will insert an ultrasound-guided needle through the vagina into a mature follicle to retrieve the eggs.


Sperm is injected into the eggs to form the embryos. The resulting embryos will either be frozen or implanted into the uterus of a recipient, who may be a gestational carrier or an intended parent.

Who Qualifies for Egg Donation

The capacity of a woman to donate her eggs depends on a number of criteria. The donor should:

  • Be between the ages of 21 and 35, as women in this age range typically produce eggs of excellent quality and quantity.
  • Possess no untreated polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Not have hereditary illnesses like cystic fibrosis or infections like HIV and Hepatitis C.
  • Not have a history of endometriosis or any other communicable disease.

It is advisable to consult a doctor to know if you are fit for egg donation.

Why is Egg Donation done?

Egg donation is used when a woman wants a child but is unable to conceive with her own eggs. The following circumstances allow for the use of donor eggs:

  • Woman with no ovaries.
  • Premature ovarian failure, is a disorder in which menopause has begun significantly earlier than usual, sometimes before the age of 40.
  • If the woman has a history of inadequate ovarian response to hormonal stimulation or has poor egg quality.
  • If a mother has a hereditary condition that she doesn't want to pass on to her offspring.
  • Male couples and single men who want children can also use donated eggs.

Benefits of Egg Donation

Some hopeful parents can experience pregnancy or biological parenting through egg donation. Knowing that the eggs will make a significant difference in the lives of these hopeful parents is one of the biggest advantages of egg donation.

The benefits to the donor include:

  • She will receive a thorough health evaluation after applying to become an egg donor. This will address the present physical health, ability to conceive, and any genetic disorders.
  • It is flexible to the schedules, meaning the full egg donation procedure takes under 40 days from the start of the cycle to the finish.

The benefits to the recipient include:

  • Women with cancer treatment-related infertility can still become pregnant.
  • Older women or those who have ovulation problems may get a child. 

What are the Risks of Egg Donation?

Despite being a safe operation, egg donation has potential short-term risks. Rarely, some women may even suffer from serious problems.

  • The negative effects of medication can include fatigue, bloating, mood swings, and headaches.
  • Donors may have a temporary, small weight increase while taking medicines.
  • Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) can happen in extremely rare circumstances. Ovarian swelling and fluid accumulation are the results of this.
  • Some women may experience bleeding when the doctor places the needle into the ovary during the egg retrieval. Damage to the intestines, bladder, or adjacent blood vessels may take place in rare cases.
  • After the egg retrieval, one could suffer spotting, cramping in the abdomen, and vaginal soreness. The removal of the eggs may also result in infection.

1. Can I become pregnant during the process?

Yes! It's important for the donor to avoid sexual activity from the moment the hormone medication begins until three weeks after the egg retrieval. This will prevent an unexpected pregnancy.

2. Will being a donor affect my fertility or reduce my eggs?

No. The process doesn't affect the future ability to conceive biologically. A group of eggs start the maturation process each month, but the body only releases one egg every cycle (ovulation) and absorbs the remaining eggs. Some of these extra eggs will be used for donations.

3. Am I restricted from performing any activity during the procedure?

Up to several weeks after egg retrieval, one should avoid high-impact activities like running, mountain biking, jumping, and extensive workouts.

4. Will the donor have legal responsibilities to any child born?

No, when the donor decides to donate the eggs, she gives up all ownership and responsibility for the eggs and any offspring conceived from them.

5. How many times can I donate my eggs?

The donor may donate again if the initial cycle of egg donation goes smoothly. However, the donor can only donate a maximum of six times to ensure her own safety. Even though egg donation really helps infertile couples, it is still worthwhile to discuss the best course of action with your doctor. Request an appointment at: Apollo Fertility, Thane Call 1860 500 4424 to book an appointment.

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