Ovarian Reserve Testing


A surgeon may recommend ovarian reserve testing if a woman has difficulty conceiving. This test gives you the overall picture of your fertility condition. The doctors recommend this testing to people over the age of 35 who are unable to get pregnant after trying for more than 6 months. This is beneficial for every female who has PCOS disorder and is preparing for egg freezing. This test is performed to measure the number of eggs a female has. 

About the test

Females are born with a finite number of eggs and are known for ovarian reserve. The quantity of eggs decreases gradually throughout life when you grow older. When the females grow older, the egg quality also decreases; therefore, the chances of getting pregnant gradually decrease. The doctor recommends ovarian reserve testing if someone is having difficulties getting pregnant. Many alternative tests are taking place, and those include Estradiol and Antral, follicle count. Some tests require a simple blood test, while others need an ultrasound. This test can also be performed for couples who want to know how much they can delay pregnancy. Before you go through the procedure of egg freezing & IVF, you must perform this test.

Risk factors

During this testing, you don't have any risk physically, but there are some limitations in the risk. Through the test, you can get an idea about the quality of eggs but not about the quality. Another limitation is the level of FSH can vary from one cycle to another. Through this test, you can't get informed whether you are pregnant. It is recommended that the patient ask the doctor if you have any changes after the procedure. After the test report, you can speak to your doctor about fertility & family planning.

As per trusted sources, the level of hormone AMH can vary significantly. So, there is no assurance that a single test result can't give a full picture. An individual should talk with fertility experts about family planning goals. After that, the expert will evaluate which test is valuable for you and deliver the desired goals.

Preparing For the Test

To perform this task, there is no specific preparation needed. Testing like Estradiol, antral follicle, and FSH should be done between two to six days of the patient's menstrual cycle. However, you can perform AMH testing on the day of the menstrual cycle. For better instructions, you can ask a fertility expert. When you meet with the experts, they will guide you throughout the procedure and let you know what should be done before and after the procedure and what shouldn't. 

What to expect from this test?

The results of ovarian testing might take 1 to 2 weeks. The test is completely safe and secure. You won't get any difficulties or after-effect complications during and after the procedure.

Possible results

If the results contain any abnormality, you need to diagnose and get effective treatment from an expert. However, the results are not 100% accurate. The results inform the patients how soon they should start trying to conceive. But this result doesn't define how many fertile years the couples have left. Some women also face difficulty conceiving even after the procedure and should move with the IVF procedure. It is recommended to consult the doctor after receiving the results.

When should I see a doctor?

Talking with the doctor before conducting the ovarian reserve testing is recommended. You should follow all their instructions and decide which method will be perfect. The doctors will also share the steps you need to take after conducting the test. If you want to get more information about this procedure, it is recommended to visit a fertility centre like Apollo Fertility RR Nagar. You can also make a call directly to 1860 500 4424 to book an appointment.


Ovarian reserve testing suggests valuable information to patients regarding fertility health. It is recommended to perform this testing for people over the age of 35 who can't be able to achieve pregnancy. This testing is beneficial for providing general information.

1. Is the ovarian reserve test worth it?

The ovarian reserve is helpful for all those couples, especially for women who have reached the age of 35 and can't be able to get pregnant even after trying a lot.

2. How do patients know whether they have a good ovarian reserve or not?

The only way to measure this is by conducting the hormone blood levels. In the initial stage, the doctor will check the Estradiol and follicle-stimulating hormone to diagnose the problem.

3. Is this procedure painful?

No, this procedure is not painful and is completely safe and hassle-free.

4. Which hormone helps for good ovarian reserve?

The anti-Mullerian hormone plays a major role in maintaining a good ovarian reserve.

5. Is it possible to protect someone's ovarian reserve?

Yes, it is possible.

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