Laser Assisted Hatching (LAH)

A person who has undergone IVF will know that it doesn’t guarantee 100% success. sometimes after successful implantation, the egg fails to develop. Even after implantation in the walls of the uterus, the embryo might not hatch and causing the IVF to fail. To overcome this failure, the doctors recommend an artificial method of hatching the embryo i.e. Laser Assisted Hatching or LAH.

About the Laser-Assisted Procedure

This technique aims to make IVF successful. The procedure involves artificial hatching of the embryo for successful implantation. It breaks the outer layer i.e. the zona pellucida to create an opening for the embryo.

The difficulty of breaking this layer varies from one woman to other. In some of them, the layer might be very thin while in others it may be hard and thick. This hardening can be due to several factors. So, the thinner walls will be easy to break with greater chances of successful implantation than the thick ones. It will be a very crucial step for the mother as the chances of pregnancy completely depend on it.

This procedure usually takes place after 3-4 days of successful fertilization through IVF. During this procedure, an embryologist will examine the embryo. Further, he/she will try to develop a gap or a crack in the shell by sending a powerful light beam under a microscope. The whole procedure requires only a few seconds to complete without harming the embryo.

After creating the gap, this embryo will be implanted into the uterus of the mother.

Who qualifies for the Laser Assisted Hatching 

The procedure might not be necessary for everyone undergoing IVF. However, if a woman is above the age of 35 then she might consider it for a successful pregnancy. It may also be helpful for women with higher FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) in their early stages, hormonal issues or chances of having hard zona pellucida, previous history of failed IVF etc. it is also advisable for the embryos with a greater number of fragments.

Why Laser-Assisted Hatching is Conducted

The procedure is conducted to increase the chances of successful implantation and development of the foetus. The procedure helps the embryo to hatch and gets implanted in the uterus for further development. Being quick and gentle also ensures complete protection for the embryo.

Benefits of Laser-Assisted Hatching

The laser-assisted hatching can be very beneficial for mothers to attain a successful IVF. It has become the best hatching method for the embryo in the recent period. Some of the major benefits of it are as follows:

  • The laser-assisted hatching is widely available.
  • It only requires minimal embryo handling.
  • The procedure is fast and much efficient.
  • At the same time, the procedure is very gentle and does not harm the embryo.

Risks or Complications in Laser-Assisted Hatching

The risk or complications in laser-assisted hatching is almost negligible as it is done very gently and quickly. However, in rare cases, the embryo might get damaged during the procedure. Moreover, it might cause birth defects or identical twins.

These complications are rare and do not happen under proper medical assistance. Therefore, a couple undergoing IVF must consult a specialist for it.

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Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Motinagar

 Call 011 4004 3300 to book an appointment.


Laser Assisted Hatching is a process or procedure for artificially hatching the embryo. It is done after fertilization through IVF. This is usually needed for women with a medical history of failed IVF or women of higher age. In this technique, the doctor makes a slight cut through the zona pellucida of the embryo making it easier for it comes out. It increases the chances of a successful pregnancy. Under proper medical guidance, this procedure involves almost negligible risks or complications.

1. Is LAH a necessary step in IVF?

- IVF involves the fusion of sperm and egg outside the human body i.e. in the lab. After that, this fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus. Laser Assisted hating helps the embryo to break through or come out of its outer shell (zona pellucida). This procedure is not necessary for all patients undergoing IVF. They must consult their doctors before going for LAH.

2. Is there any probability of embryo damage during LAH?

The chances of damage in the embryo during LAH are quite rare. However, without a proper medical specialist, there might be chances of damaging the embryo during LAH. Moreover, it might increase the chances of having identical twins.

3. Which embryo is more fragile: fully hatched or unhatched?

Fully hatched embryo is much more delicate than the unhatched one. Moreover, it is also susceptible to cellular damage if not handled properly.

4. What is the normal period required by an embryo to implant?

The normal time required for a hatched embryo to implant varies between 2 to 5 days.

5. On which day after fertilization LAH is performed?

After 3 to 6 days.

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