
In simple words, Hysteroscopy is a less-invasive procedure that helps the doctor to clearly look into the patient's uterine cavity to diagnose or treat different issues related to the reproductive system, such as uterine bleeding. The procedure is carried out using a thin tube called Hysteroscopy. The doctor puts the device inside the patient's vagina to diagnose the inside of the cervix or uterus. Based on the condition, Hysteroscopy can be a diagnosis or an operative process.

Who Can Go For Hysteroscopy?

A person dealing with the following issues can go for a hysteroscopy

  • Infertility Issues- If couples have issues related to conceiving, then they should consult a professional gynaecologist in Karapakam now. The gynaecologist will carry out a hysteroscopy to test different issues related to the uterine wall.
  • Premature birth control- Through a hysteroscopy, a tiny device can be inserted in the patient's fallopian tube to prevent premature or unwanted pregnancy.
  • Irregular bleeding- If the patients are dealing with irregular periods along with cramping, through a hysteroscopy, a gynaecologist can have a look at the uterus to test for an issue like polyps or fibroids. The gynaecologist may use a heating tool to prevent excessive bleeding.

Some Benefits of Hysteroscopy

Compared to other surgical procedures, a hysteroscopy, when done by a professional and experienced fertility expert, can offer the following benefits.

  • Recovery time is quite fast.
  • The recovery process is less painful.
  • The patients don’t need to use a lot of medicines after the procedure.
  • Shorter hospital stays
  • With this, it is possible to avoid open abdominal surgery. 

Some Possible Risks Associated With this Procedure

Compared to other procedures, Hysteroscopy is quite safe, but just like other treatments, it also has some small risks. Some common risks to keep in mind are:

  • Damaged cervix
  • Women may faint without a local anaesthesia
  • The womb may accidentally get damaged, and in such case, it may need to go through another operation.
  • The patients may witness excessive bleeding.
  • The uterus may get infected, leading to a smelly discharge accompanied by heavy bleeding and fever.

Excessive bleeding and accidental damage are very rare. Only one in every 150 patients faces accidental damage. Patients should not be worried about minor damages as they will heal with time.  

Different Types of Hysteroscopies

There are two primary types of hysteroscopies that the doctor may use based on the circumstances. These are operative and diagnostic. In some cases, both a diagnosis and operative Hysteroscopy are used.

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy can be used for the below-mentioned reasons:

  • To understand the possible reasons behind the repeated miscarriages.
  • To test non-cancerous growth in the uterus or womb, for example, fibroid or polyps.
  • Test the fertility problems if couples are having issues conceiving.
  • To know the reasons for pain in pelvic

Operative Hysteroscopy

  • To eliminate adhesion or scars located in the uterine developed due to infections or surgery.
  • To carry out sterilization
  • To remove growths in the patient's uterus
  • To collect tissue samples for biopsy

The Procedure

It can be conducted without or with anaesthesia based on the hysteroscope type used and the patient's preference. A vaginal speculum is utilized while inserting a hysteroscope into the uterine cavity. Then a gas will be used to expand the cavity for better visualization.

After the completion of the procedure, patients may be prescribed to use NSAIDs- Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs to manage cramping and pain. If the person was administered local anaesthesia, she should spend some time in the clinic until the effect goes off. The surgeon will analyse the results and discuss them with the patients during the consultation.

1. What Should patients expect during recovery after Hysteroscopy?

Most patients, after their Hysteroscopy, can go home. However, if they had general anaesthesia, they would have to wait until the effects go off. Some patients may experience mild cramping for 2 to 4 days after the procedure.

2. How long does this treatment take?

A hysteroscopy can take around 10 to 30 minutes. However, if there is any treatment to get done, then the procedure may take a few hours, based on the complexity of the surgery.

3. What is the success rate of Hysteroscopy?

Different studies have proved the effectiveness of Hysteroscopy in increasing the success of IVG by detecting and treating various uterus abnormalities. The overall success rate is around 80 to 85 per cent.

4. What is the cost of a Hysteroscopy in Karapakkam?

This is a cost-effective treatment option to treat infertility. As per some reports, the average cost of a Hysteroscopy in Karapakkam is around Rs.15000 to Rs. 60000. The cost will vary based on the infertility centre you choose, the purpose of the surgery, etc.

5. Does this procedure help fertility?

Various studies have proved that removing polyps or endometrial polyps through Hysteroscopy enhances fertility in women. So, women who can conceive can opt for this procedure.

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