Male Fertility

Male fertility is explained by the capacity for conception. Although there are a number of additional elements at play, the production of healthy semen is the main area of concern. Semen or sperm characteristics alone do not determine a man's fertility. In addition to semen quality, other significant elements exist, but they are slightly more challenging to measure or relate to male fertility.

What are the causes of male infertility?

Male infertility is primarily caused by the following factors-;

  1. Medical factors
    • Varicocele

A varicocele is an enlargement of the testicular veins. Varicoceles may result in infertility for unclear reasons, however irregular blood flow may play a role.

    • Infection

Some infections might affect sperm health or production, or they can lead to scarring that prevents sperm from passing through.

    • Ejaculatory problems

When an orgasm occurs, semen enters the bladder rather than coming out the tip of the penis, resulting in retrograde ejaculation.

    • Tumours

Male reproductive organs can be directly affected by cancers and benign tumours. While indirectly through reproductive hormone-producing tissues like the pituitary gland, or through unexplained causes.

    • Undescended sperm

One or both testicles in certain male foetuses fail to descend from the abdomen into the testicular sac during development (scrotum). Men who have experienced this illness are more prone to have decreased fertility.

    • Imbalances in hormones

Testicular problems or abnormalities affecting other hormonal systems, such as the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands, can cause infertility.

    • Defects in the sperm-transporting tubules

Sperm travels through a variety of tubes. They may become blocked for a number of reasons, such as unintentional harm from surgery, past infections, trauma, or improper growth, like in cystic fibrosis or other genetic diseases.

    • Chromosomal errors

Kallmann's syndrome, Klinefelter's syndrome and cystic fibrosis are two more hereditary diseases linked to infertility.

    • Difficulties during sexual contact

These include erectile dysfunction (ED), premature ejaculation, painful intercourse, anatomical anomalies like hypospadias, which is the presence of a urethral hole beneath the penis, and sex-interfering psychological or interpersonal issues.

    • Celiac illness

Male infertility may be impacted by Celiac disease. This disorder is caused due to sensitivity to gluten.

    • Certain medicines

Male infertility can be decreased by testosterone replacement therapy, long-term anabolic steroid use, chemotherapy for cancer, some pharmaceuticals for ulcers and arthritis, and a few other drugs.

    • Prior operations

Vasectomy, scrotal or testicular surgery, prostate surgery, and big abdominal surgery for testicular or rectal cancer, among other procedures, can all prohibit you from having sperm in your ejaculate.

      1. Environmental factors
        • Occupational chemicals

Low sperm counts may be caused by prolonged exposure to specific chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, organic solvents, and painting supplies.

        • Exposure to heavy metal

Infertility may also result from lead or other heavy metal exposure.

        • X-rays or radiation.

High radiation doses have the potential to permanently lower sperm production.

        • Testicle overheating

Long hours of sitting, tight clothing or prolonged use of a laptop computer can all raise the warmth in your scrotum and somewhat lower sperm production.

      1. Lifestyle factors
        • Drug abuse
        • Use of alcohol
        • Cigarette smoking

How can you diagnose male infertility?

The following methods can be used to diagnose male fertility.

    • Examining the past medical and surgical records along with physical examinations.
    • Semen Analysis
    • Transrectal sonography
    • Testicular Biopsy
    • Hormonal Profile

Request an appointment at Apollo Fertility/Cradle in Anna Nagar

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Male fertility refers to being able to produce healthy seems for ejaculation. Male fertility problems might be difficult to diagnose. A thorough history and physical exam are the first steps in the diagnosis. Blood tests and testing on the semen may also be requested by your healthcare practitioner.

1. Can smoking have an impact on sperm?

Yes. According to research, routine smoking has a variety of effects on sperm.

2. Can taking steroids to increase muscle lead to infertility?

Yes. Your body may cease producing the hormones required to create sperm if you take steroids orally or intravenously.

3. What is the ideal male reproductive age?

Men are most productive between the ages of 22 and 25. Having children before the age of 35 is advised.

4. What reduces sperm count?

Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and obesity all have a detrimental effect on sperm count and general sperm health. Stress is another. Stress can, in fact, result in sperm abnormalities and decreased sperm concentration.

5. When is the sperm count at its highest?

In comparison to samples made later in the day, healthy semen samples obtained between 5:00 am and 7:30 am showed statistically higher sperm concentration, total sperm count, and a larger percentage of normally shaped sperm.

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