Donor Program

When people decide to participate in a donor programme, they may have difficulty locating a reputable sperm bank and donor. Fertility clinics that provide donor programmes assist people who are unable to become parents naturally. It is a component of fertility treatment that also includes sperm and egg donation.

Knowing what to expect during a donor program is useful whether someone requires one or is studying it for academic purposes. Continue reading to find out more about the donor program.

What is a Donor Program?

The donor programme is a means to help people who are unable to utilize their sperm or eggs for medical, personal, or other reasons. Because she is utilizing someone else's egg to get pregnant, the wanted mother will not be genetically linked to her expecting kid, but the father will be if he planned to use his sperm for egg fertilization or did not utilize the sperm donor. In some cases, a gestational carrier is required to carry the embryo or fertilized egg until the moment of childbirth to carry the entire pregnancy.

Who qualifies for the Donor procedure? 

A receiver is a woman who gets the embryo for which a donor provided an egg. This embryo is placed in the uterus of the recipient. Women must be between the ages of 18 and 45, in good health, and willing to submit to extensive testing. Women would be eligible if they met any of the following criteria:

  • Inability to conceive after numerous rounds of IVF-ICSI
  • Maternal age has advanced
  • Menopause occurs too soon.
  • Younger women whose ovaries have failed prematurely 
  • Genetic diseases

Sperm Donation

Ideally, sperm donors are in good health and do not lead a "high-risk lifestyle," such as using recreational drugs or having several relationships. The first stage is a sperm analysis, which is followed by a meeting with a therapist and mandatory counselling for both the recipient and the donor. Donors of sperm must be prepared to discuss and provide the following information:

  • Medical history, including all known allergies
  • Physical characteristics
  • Social/lifestyle declaration- including information about any donations made to other assisted reproductive treatment clinics.

Egg Donation 

The egg is required for the in vitro fertilization process (IVF). In the instance of an Egg Donor, a woman contributes her eggs, which are then fertilized in a laboratory before being transferred into the uterus of the intended mother.

The steps for egg donation are as follows:

  • First, women must locate an egg donor, who may be known or unknown to the prospective parents.
  • To stimulate the ovaries, the donor must get hormone injections that aid in egg production.
  • They gather the sperm from the recipient's male partner, who is the intended father, or from an unknown donor.
  • Doctors transfer the selected embryo to the womb of the carrier woman (Intended mother) to produce a successful pregnancy. Depending on the circumstances, the intended mother or another woman (in the event of surrogacy) might be the carrier of pregnancy.

Rates of pregnancy with Egg and Sperm Donation

The pregnancy rate for egg donation is determined by numerous factors. According to the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART), the success percentage for all egg donation programmes was 46.2% of the average live-birth rate per egg donation cycle. The most dangerous of egg donation is multiple pregnancies. They restricted the number of embryo transfers to reduce the chance of multiple gestations. Most programmes limit embryo transfer to a single high-quality embryo transfer with donors aged 21 to 35, known as an elective single-embryo transfer.

The Risk associated with Donor Program 

Donating eggs is usually a safe procedure. However, small difficulties or short-term dangers may occur; however, being aware of all concerns may significantly lower the risk.

A. Gain in weight

Due to increased ovarian size, medication, and fluid retention, egg donors may gain weight. However, this is a transient consequence that may be readily remedied after the donation procedure is completed.

B. Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

Hormones in high concentrations are administered to stimulate the ovaries into producing many healthy eggs. This might result in cramps, thirst, oedema, and fluid retention. Fertility physicians can easily handle this.

C. Other side effects

Other transitory side effects include mood changes, mild infections, spotting, hot flashes, lethargy, headaches, and other symptoms similar to premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Multiple pregnancies are rare, although it does happen on occasion. However, fertility professionals meticulously monitor all aspects of egg donation, so there is no need to be concerned. However, it is preferable to keep the doctor informed of the situation to avoid future issues.


Donor programmes are increasingly widespread these days to help couples achieve their fertility treatment needs. Couples who are unable to supply gametes for fertility therapy might participate in the donor programme to discover the greatest possible donor to assist them in their treatment. Many Egg Donor Programs in India are organized by IVF clinics in India to bridge the gap between wanted couples and hopeful donors.

Request an appointment at Apollo Fertility, Thane or Call 1860-500-4424 to book an appointment

1. Can anyone become an Egg Donor?

A woman's age should be between 21 and 30 years old, her ovaries should be intact, and her health is also important. There should also be no genetic abnormalities or a family history of abnormalities. As a result, not everyone can meet the requirements.

2. What is the age limit for donating eggs or sperm?

The age restriction for donating egg or sperm is 21 years of age and is restricted up to 35 years of age.

3. When should couples use the Donor program?

Donor programmes are recommended to couples when one of the partners has sperm or egg problems, or if the male or female has a genetic issue.

4. Can a donor’s sperm be used with IVF?

Donor sperm can be utilized in conjunction with IVF or IUI. The Donor will be given fertility drugs to help prepare her eggs for retrieval. Her eggs will be combined with the donor sperm after which any resulting embryos will be transferred back to her uterus for implantation.

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