Ectopic Pregnancy: Everything you should know

What Is  Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy (EP) occurs when a fertilized egg attaches to the wrong location in the uterus, usually in one of the fallopian tubes. This can cause serious complications for both mother and baby if not caught early enough. Ectopic pregnancy is a potentially dangerous condition that affects about 1 in 50 pregnancies. The fallopian tubes are the pathways for eggs from the ovaries to travel to the uterus.

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when an egg becomes fertilized and attaches outside of the uterus, usually in one of the fallopian tubes. Fortunately, treatments are available for ectopic pregnancy; however, it's important to know what signs indicate an EP.

Common Causes Of Ectopic Pregnancy

 If a fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube, it will begin to grow and can cause serious problems if not treated immediately. Here are some common causes of ectopic pregnancy:

Infection - Infection of the fallopian tubes can lead to scarring, which means that it may be harder for an egg to travel through the tube. Women who get chlamydia or gonorrhea can develop an infection in their reproductive organs which could lead to an ectopic pregnancy.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) - PID is an infection caused by bacteria entering the reproductive tract through sexual intercourse or other types of contact with an infected person. PID can cause scarring in the reproductive tract which makes it difficult for implantation to occur within the uterus during a normal pregnancy.

Egg Quality Issues - Poor egg quality can lead to an ectopic pregnancy because there's not enough genetic material within an egg to sustain growth once it's fertilized.

Tubal damage: Such damage from previous surgery such as tubal ligation or ectopic pregnancy surgery can also cause an abnormality in the shape or opening of one or both fallopian tubes that let eggs pass through without being fertilised by sperm. These are called blocked tubes.

Torsion: Twisting of your fallopian tube, causing blood clots and scarring in your reproductive organs can also cause ectopic pregnancy. This is called torsion or twisting of a tube because the blood supply to that part of your reproductive system gets cut off when twisted around itself too much until it dies off completely

Symptoms Of Ectopic Pregnancy

If you suspect that you might be pregnant, it's important to know the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy symptoms include:

Pain in your abdomen or pelvis — this pain may be sharp or dull, and it may feel like cramping or pressure. The pain may be mild or severe, but it shouldn't be constant.

Vaginal bleeding — some women with ectopic pregnancies experience spotting or light vaginal bleeding early on. If you notice any blood in your urine or stool, call your doctor right away because this could be a sign that you're having an ectopic pregnancy.

Nausea and vomiting — like other pregnancy symptoms, nausea and vomiting can occur at any time during an ectopic pregnancy. This symptom is more commonly seen at the beginning of an ectopic pregnancy when it's easier to mistake for morning sickness or food poisoning due to contaminated food rather than from an actual medical condition such as an ectopic pregnancy.

Abdominal swelling: Swelling around where your baby was growing inside you before dying due to lack of oxygen supply from its mother's insufficient placenta tissue making sure that nutrients get delivered from mommy's bloodstream directly into baby's bloodstream through umbilical cord tunnelling together with oxygenated air coming from the outside world through lungs' air sacs called alveoli (pouches) located inside both lungs themselves.

Treatment Of Ectopic Pregnancy

Treatment for ectopic pregnancy depends on the location of your pregnancy and how far along it is.

●  If you're bleeding, you may be put on bed rest to allow your body to rest and heal. You'll also need some medication to treat your symptoms such as pain or cramping.

●  If an ectopic pregnancy is identified in the early stages, surgery may be performed to remove the contents of the fallopian tube and repair any damage. This procedure is called a salpingectomy.

●  If an ectopic pregnancy is identified later, it will not be possible to save the affected fallopian tube. However, treatment can still be offered. The aim of this treatment is to avoid any further complications such as internal bleeding from ruptured blood vessels or infection in the surrounding tissues.

● If you have a very early ectopic pregnancy without any signs of life, your doctor may want to remove the fallopian tube that's affected by surgery (salpingostomy) so that it won't cause more problems later. This procedure can help prevent future pregnancies from happening in this area again.

● If there are signs that there was life growing inside of early ectopic pregnancy like blood clots or tissue in the fallopian tube, you won't need surgery right away. Doctors may try other methods first instead of removing the entire damaged organ right away (salpingectomy). It's important not only because it could save you some time but also because removing too much tissue during surgery increases risk factors.

● Medical treatment - often used if there are no symptoms or mild symptoms. The medication used can stop the growth of cells in your uterus and prevent further development of an embryo outside your uterus by reducing blood flow and causing scarring around an egg/embryo attached outside your uterus.

When To See A Doctor For Ectopic Pregnancy

If you experience any of the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, a doctor will be able to diagnose it. You should see a doctor. It’s always best to get checked out when something doesn’t feel right. Whether you see a gynecologist or your general practitioner, they can help determine whether or not your symptoms are related to pregnancy and if they need further attention. You can request an appointment easily at Apollo Fertility, Amritsar, for a consultation by calling 1860-500-1066.


If you have an ectopic pregnancy, qualified doctors can help you deal with this situation so as not to cause any harm. If you feel like you may be facing some or all of these symptoms mentioned above, you should see a doctor right away.

1. What are the two possible outcomes of an ectopic pregnancy?

You can have a healthy baby, or you can have a miscarriage.

2. What is the most serious risk in an ectopic pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancies are very dangerous and can be life-threatening.

3. How To Prevent ectopic pregnancy?

Make sure to use birth control responsibly and make sure you talk to your doctor if you feel like something is wrong with your body.

4. How long does ectopic pregnancy last?

Ectopic pregnancies last up to two weeks before they go away on their own or require surgery by doctors at the hospital.

5. At what stage does ectopic pregnancy occur?

One can notice signs of ectopic pregnancy from the 4th to 12th weeks of pregnancy. In some cases, women don’t experience any symptoms at all and it is diagnosed only through scans

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