
What is Hysteroscopy?

The use of hysteroscopy enables a surgeon to examine your uterus from the inside to identify and address the sources of irregular bleeding. During a hysteroscopy, your cervix and the interior of your uterus are inspected using a thin, illuminated tube called a hysteroscope that is placed into your vagina. Polyps, fibroids, and adhesions can all be removed surgically during a hysteroscopy.

The main purposes of hysteroscopy are to identify and address the causes of irregular uterine bleeding. During the surgery, your surgeon will use a hysteroscope to view the interior of your uterus. A surgeon will use a narrow, illuminated tube called a hysteroscope to see inside your uterus and at your cervix through your vagina.

What is Diagnostic Hysteroscopy?

An abnormal amount of bleeding may be brought on by structural issues in your uterus that is found during a diagnostic hysteroscopy. Hysteroscopy can also be used to validate the outcomes of other exams like hysterosalpingography or ultrasound (HSG). The HSG test uses an X-ray dye to determine whether your fallopian tubes are obstructed. Obstetric complications could result from blocked fallopian tubes.

What is Operative Hysteroscopy?

An anomaly found during a diagnostic hysteroscopy is treated with an operational hysteroscopy. To minimise the necessity for a second surgery, your doctor could conduct both a diagnostic and an operational hysteroscopy simultaneously.

Why would I need a Hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy is mostly used to diagnose and treat problems that result in high menstrual flow, irregular spotting between periods, abnormal uterine bleeding, and bleeding after menopause.

To determine the cause and treat the following uterine disorders, your doctor may do a hysteroscopy:

  • The detection and removal of polyps and fibroids are accomplished using hysteroscopy. A hysteroscopy polypectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a polyp. A hysteroscopy myomectomy is the surgical excision of a fibroid.
  • Uterine adhesions, often referred to as Asherman's syndrome, are bands of scar tissue that can develop inside your uterus. They may alter the flow of your menstrual period and result in infertility. Your doctor can find the adhesions and treat them through hysteroscopy.
  • Uterine septums are a congenital (existing at birth) uterine abnormality that can be detected with hysteroscopy.

How safe is Hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy is thought to be a risk-free operation. Complications are a possibility with any procedure. Less than 1% of hysteroscopy procedures result in problems, which can include:

  • Infection
  • Extensive bleeding
  • Scarring within the womb
  • Response to the anaesthetic
  • Damage to your uterus, bowel, or bladder
  • A response to the medication used to stretch your uterus

What happens during a Hysteroscopy?

If you're receiving therapy concurrently with the procedure or would prefer to be sleeping while it's being done, a general anaesthetic may be used. Even while a hysteroscopy can last up to 30 minutes overall, it may simply take 5 to 10 minutes if it's merely being performed to identify a problem or look into symptoms.

The bottom line

A hysteroscopy is typically performed as an outpatient or day-case procedure. Therefore, you are not required to spend the night at the hospital. Although local anaesthesia, which involves administering medicine to numb your cervix, is occasionally utilised, it may not be required to use it for surgery.

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1. How uncomfortable is a hysteroscopy?

A local anaesthetic is injected into the cervix if the cervix needs to be dilated because the dilation can be rather unpleasant otherwise. On a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 equals no pain and 10 equals the worst pain ever, the typical pain score during an office hysteroscopy is 2 to 3.

2. Is hysteroscopy a serious procedure?

Hysteroscopy is regarded as minor surgery, so an overnight hospital stay is typically not necessary. You might need to spend the night if your doctor is worried about how the anaesthetic will affect you.

3. How long does it take to recuperate from a hysteroscopy?

The day following a hysteroscopy, the majority of women believe they can resume their regular activities, including work. Some ladies go back to work that day later. However, you might want to take a few days off to relax, especially if you underwent treatment like the removal of fibroids or underwent a general anaesthetic.

4. What is hysteroscopy preparation?

Prior to the hysteroscopy, you might be instructed to refrain from using tampons, douches, or vaginal medications for 24 hours. Find out from your doctor whether you require transportation home. It may be dangerous for you to drive or make your own way home if you've taken anaesthesia or pain medication.

5. What must you avoid doing following a hysteroscopy?

Within a day or two, patients typically resume their normal activities. Women should abstain from sexual activity and tampon use for at least seven days or until their post-operative appointment with their doctor. For at least two weeks following surgery, douching should be avoided to lower the risk of infection.

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