In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)

IVF, commonly known as in vitro fertilisation, is a sophisticated set of techniques used to increase fertility, prevent genetic issues, and make childbearing easier.

What is IVF?

IVF is the assisted reproductive method with the highest rate of success. Because the procedure uses the couple's own sperm and eggs, it is feasible. During IVF, it is feasible to use eggs, sperm, or embryos from both known and unidentified donors. Sometimes a woman's uterus will be used to carry an embryo that has been implanted.

Who qualifies for IVF surgery?

The couple will probably require a number of screenings before starting an IVF cycle with their own eggs and sperm, such as:

  • Testing for ovarian reserve- The doctor may perform blood tests to measure the levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol (oestrogen), and anti-mullerian hormone during the first few days of the menstrual cycle in order to evaluate the number and quality of eggs.
  • Semen Examination- The doctor will perform a semen analysis just before the beginning of an IVF treatment cycle if it wasn't done as part of the first fertility assessment.
  • Screening for infectious diseases-  The couple will undergo HIV and other infectious disease screenings.

Why is the procedure of IVF conducted?

Sometimes the first course of treatment for infertility in women over 40 is IVF. For those with certain medical issues, IVF may still be an option. The pair might decide on IVF, for instance, if they:

  • Blockage or damage to the fallopian tube- It becomes difficult for an egg to fertilise or for an embryo to migrate from the fallopian tube to the uterus.
  • Ovarian dysfunction- If ovulation is sporadic or absent, fewer eggs are available for fertilisation.
  • Endometriosis- When tissue that resembles the uterine lining implants and expands outside of the uterus, endometriosis results, and frequently compromises the function of the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes.

What are the benefits of IVF?

The benefits of IVF are as follows-

  • IVF succeeds where other infertility treatments have failed. Prior to entering the IVF "station," patients may receive a range of reproductive therapies, including intrauterine insemination, fertility drugs, and more.
  • Since in-vitro fertilisation can be used by gestational or surrogate carriers in addition to the child's mother, it is available to everyone. As a result, more people can become parents and take part in the pregnancy and delivery processes.
  • One may use donated sperm or eggs; occasionally, a fertility specialist will advise doing so.

What are the risks or complications of IVF?

The possible risks are- 

  • If you undergo IVF and have more than one embryo implanted in your uterus, your risk of having multiple children rises. Pregnancies with numerous foetuses are more likely than those with a single foetus to end in early labour and low birth weight.
  • Research indicates that there is a very small probability that an IVF-conceived child would be born prematurely or with a low birth weight.
  • The human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), an injectable fertility drug, can cause the painful and bloated condition known as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome when used to enhance ovulation.

Bottom Line

IVF is commonly referred to as "the last stop" on the path to infertility in the realm of infertility. Women who are over their reproductive years, have infertile partners, suffer from idiopathic female infertility disorders, or have achieved menopause can still conceive through egg donation and IVF. Some couples become pregnant naturally after IVF without any other reproductive treatments.

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• Does IVF help you conceive?

IVF also referred to as in vitro fertilisation, is a method used to aid in conception. In IVF, human eggs are fertilised in a lab using sperm and then transplanted into the uteruses. Pregnancy will happen if the fertilised egg (embryo) successfully implants in the uterus.

• Does IVF allow for gender selection?

During an IVF round, intended parents can choose a child's gender using PGD, PGS, or PGT-A. The gender selection procedure is almost entirely correct because a fertility specialist can use PGD tests to determine if an embryo has XX or XY chromosomes.

• Can IVF produce twins?

When many embryos are implanted back into the mother's womb through in vitro fertilisation, multiple births may result. Even when only one embryo is reinserted into the uterus, identical twins can grow.

• Is it typical to have children through IVF?

IVF differs from conventional sexual activity as a method of conception. But IVF offspring are similar to other youngsters in terms of their mental and physical makeup.

• Does IVF work the first time?

In-vitro fertilisation (IVF) success rates for women under 35 who are able to conceive on the first attempt (i.e., the first egg retrieval) are 55% on average nationwide. However, as the lady gets older, that number gradually decreases.

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