Donor Program

There are many different reasons why people can decide to go for the sperm donation process. Lesbian couples and single women can use donated sperm to help them have the children they want if the male partner is infertile and unable to donate a sperm sample for intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilisation (IVF).

Additionally, it can be utilised to stop the female partner from passing on any genetic disorders or diseases that he could have. The same is true for egg requirements, which can be met by such donation programmes.

What do you understand by Egg donation?

To help a woman become pregnant, a healthy fertile woman may donate an egg or oocyte. It is a component of ART or assisted reproductive technology.

Typically, donor eggs are extracted during surgery, fertilised in a lab, and the resulting embryos are then implanted in the recipient's uterus. Doctors achieve this by carrying out a procedure like in vitro fertilisation (IVF).

Who is eligible to donate eggs?

The prerequisites are listed below:

  • Between the ages of 21 and 31
  • Physically healthy
  • BMI range: 19 to 29 (BMI Calculator)
  • Non-Smoker
  • Have regular, monthly menstrual cycles
  • Depo-Provera is not injected by Mirena
  • Implants and IUDs are two birth control options
  • Be in strong mental health and possess both ovaries

How does sperm donation work?

When a male donates his sperm, he helps a couple who would otherwise be unable to conceive because of male infertility. A single woman or the male half of a lesbian couple who wants to get pregnant but doesn't have a male partner can also benefit from sperm donation.

The supplied sperm can either be artificially inseminated into the uterus of the receiving woman or united with an egg via in vitro fertilisation to produce an embryo. It will subsequently be implanted in a recipient woman or the uterus of a gestational carrier (IVF). Males can give their sperm in an andrology lab at a fertility clinic or to a sperm bank. These banks frequently pay them for their time and cooperation.

Who is eligible to donate sperm?

The following conditions must be satisfied:

  • Age: Sperm donors between the ages of 18 and 39 are preferred by the majority of sperm banks. However, some sperm banks have a predetermined age range of 18 to 34 years.
  • Medical history: The donor is thoroughly questioned about their health and family background, especially if they have a history of hereditary or genetic illnesses. If a potential sperm donor has any of these congenital illnesses, they might not be eligible.
  • Testing of the semen: Before being accepted as a sperm donor, a person must submit multiple samples of semen. These samples' mobility, quantity, and quality are looked at. One of the fertility standards for a male to be labelled as fertile is more than 15 million sperm per millilitre of sperm.
  • Genetic testing: A blood sample will be taken to check the donor's genetic status for diseases like cystic fibrosis that could endanger the recipient's life or the life of the donor's child. Such conditions cause serious damage to the lungs. Knowing one's racial background and family history would be additional factors.

The Bottom Line 

For those who are experiencing fertility problems, donating eggs, sperm, or embryos may be a good option. With the proper medical, legal, and psychological preparation, sperm or embryo donation can aid in the formation of families and provide a fulfilling experience for all parties involved.

Request an appointment at Apollo Fertility in Varanasi Clinic. 

Call 1860-500-4424 to book an appointment

1. What is the number of eggs a woman can donate?

The actual number of eggs that are retrieved during a cycle ranges from 10 to 20 in most cases. Make an egg donation! Call us right away for further details.

2. Will my DNA be in a donor sperm?

Any embryo created from a donor egg will contain the egg donor's DNA because every embryo contains DNA from both the egg and the sperm in equal amounts. This embryo will also have that DNA if it was created using sperm from you or your partner.

3. Are babies still possible for egg donors?

You can still become pregnant after giving your eggs away, yes. The egg retrieval procedure will not affect your future fertility, and the majority of women who have given their eggs go on to have healthy children despite the minor negative effects that may very rarely occur.

4. Can a child find his/her donor?

Once they turn 18, this law enables individuals who were conceived through sperm donation to learn who their sperm donor was.

5. What drawbacks are there to egg donation?

During the procedure, the donor must be sedated, and he or she might become confused afterwards. The donor must rest for a full day following that procedure. Even though they are uncommon, complications can include infections, blood clots, and bleeding.

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