Male Fertility

If you're trying to conceive a child, both partners must have healthy reproductive systems. Unfortunately, male fertility is often overlooked as the cause of difficulties in conceiving. In this blog post, we'll explore how male fertility works and what you can do to ensure that your reproductive system is functioning properly.

When it comes to fertility, most conversations focus on women. But men have a major role to play as well. In fact, male infertility is responsible for around one-third of all cases of infertility. So, what do you need to know about male fertility? First, let's take a look.

Understanding the Male Reproductive System

The male reproductive system is composed of several organs and structures that are responsible for producing sperm and delivering them to the female reproductive system. This includes the testes, which produce sperm; the epididymis, which stores sperm until ejaculation; and the vas deferens, which transports sperm from the epididymis to the seminal vesicles for storage prior to ejaculation. In addition, several glands in the male body produce hormones necessary for sperm production and maturation.

Signs of Low Fertility

Signs of low fertility in men can include:

  • Difficulty getting or maintaining an erection.
  • Decreased sex drive or libido.
  • Changes in semen colour or texture.
  • A decrease in semen volume during ejaculation.

Other signs of low male fertility may include testicular pain or swelling, lower abdominal pain, or a decrease in facial or body hair growth. It's important to note that other health issues besides infertility could cause these symptoms, so it's best to connect with Apollo Fertility Varanasi doctors by calling 1860-500-4424 if you notice any of these signs. 

Causes of Male Infertility

There are many potential causes of male infertility—some physical and some psychological. Common physical causes include problems with hormones or testicular function, genetic defects, or anatomical issues like blocked vas deferens or ejaculatory ducts. Psychological causes can include stress or performance anxiety during intercourse. In addition, lifestyle choices like smoking and drinking alcohol can also affect fertility levels in men. 

Fertility Tests for Men

The first step in understanding your fertility is getting tested. For men, this typically involves a semen analysis and blood tests that measure hormone levels, such as testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). The semen analysis looks at the health of your sperm by measuring parameters like sperm count, motility (that is, how well the sperm move), shape, and other factors that can affect fertility.

Treatments for Male Infertility

Fortunately, there are treatments available for male infertility that can help improve sperm health and naturally increase the chances of conception. Such treatments may involve lifestyle changes like quitting smoking and exercising regularly, medications such as antibiotics, or even surgical treatments to correct any anatomical issues that may be present. In addition, psychological counselling can help reduce stress levels, which could sometimes contribute to infertility.

How to Increase Fertility?

There are several things men can do to increase their chances of conceiving a child with their partner. These include maintaining a healthy weight (being overweight can reduce fertility); avoiding drugs and alcohol (these substances can have negative effects on sperm production); reducing stress levels (high stress has been linked to poor semen quality); eating a healthy diet high in vitamins A, C, D and E (these vitamins are essential for proper sperm development); and exercising regularly (exercise increases blood flow throughout your body). Additionally, quitting smoking has also been shown to improve fertility levels in men.


Male fertility is an important factor when trying to conceive a child with your partner. Fortunately, there are steps you can take towards improving your own fertility levels, such as maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding drugs and alcohol, reducing stress levels, eating a healthy diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals, exercising regularly and quitting smoking if necessary. However, suppose you think you might have low fertility levels due to any of the above factors or other causes not mentioned here. In that case, it's best to talk with your doctor about possible treatment options available so that you can get back on track toward achieving your family goals!

Male fertility plays an important role in conception—but it's often overlooked when discussing infertility issues. Fortunately, there are several tests available that can help diagnose any issues related to male fertility so they can be addressed promptly. So, if you think you might be struggling with male infertility, don't wait—speak to your doctor today about diagnosis and treatment options so you have the best chance of conceiving naturally!

1. What factors can affect male fertility?

A variety of lifestyle, environmental and biological factors can influence a man's fertility. These can include age, weight, smoking, alcohol consumption, drug use and specific medical conditions. Exposure to pesticides and other toxins can also have a negative impact on sperm health.

2. How can I improve my fertility?

Making lifestyle changes is the first step to improving your fertility. For example, quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, eating a healthy diet, and exercising can all help to boost fertility. Additionally, you should talk to your doctor about any medications or treatments that may help to improve your sperm health.

3. Does my age affect my fertility?

Yes, age does play a role in male fertility. As men age, the quality and number of their sperm decrease. This can make it more difficult to conceive, so it's important to start discussing your fertility options with your doctor sooner rather than later.

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