Ovarian Reserve Testing

Ovarian Reserve testing is a set of different tests to determine your ovarian reserve or the number of eggs left in your ovaries. This number will give you a brief idea of your chances of getting pregnant in the future. If your egg count is low, you may have to start trying to conceive immediately. If that is not happening naturally, doctors may recommend assisted reproduction methods. If there are still a good number of eggs left in your ovaries, you can take some time to get pregnant naturally, without resorting to other reproductive methods.

Ovarian reserve testing is done in three parts-

  • The AMH (The anti-Mullerian hormone) level check- This is a protein hormone that is produced by the cells in the ovaries. The level of this in the blood gives us an indication regarding the number of follicles present inside the ovaries.
  • The blood test- This helps doctors determine the FSH levels in the blood, responsible for ovulation.
  • The antral follicle count- This is done through a vaginal ultrasound. It helps doctors estimate the exact number of active follicles present in the ovaries, to estimate your total ovarian reserve. 

Who qualifies for Ovarian Reserve testing?

If you are over 35 years old and trying to conceive without success for at least a year, your doctor may recommend this test. It will help determine the number of fertile years you have. 

Also, if you have been thinking to delay your pregnancy due to various reasons, getting Ovarian Reserve testing done will let you know your chances of getting pregnant in the future. Though ovarian reserve testing cannot accurately test your fertility period, it may help you understand how close you are to your menopause, and if you should hurry with your pregnancy. 

Ovarian testing is also recommended before undergoing fertility preservation methods such as Oocyte freezing or even IVF. 

Why is Ovarian Reserve testing conducted?

Ovarian Reserve testing is done to measure your fertility window. It will also help doctors understand the cause of your infertility. Typically, the egg count of women declines as they age. However, if you are under 35 years but still not able to conceive, Ovarian Reserve testing may help understand if you have a low egg count and receive treatment accordingly. This test is a requirement before undergoing oocyte freezing to determine the viable eggs that can be extracted for better chances of pregnancy in the future. 

What are the benefits of Ovarian Reserve testing?

Ovarian Reserve testing may benefit you in many ways such as-

  • The AMH natural follicle testing done during this test may indicate other reproductive issues, if any.
  • It will help you understand your fertility window and plan your pregnancy accordingly
  • It will help indicate your success levels in IVF treatments. Your IVF procedures have a better chance of being a success if you have a good egg count.
  • Consider oocyte freezing or oocyte donation if your egg count is good.
  • Consider using donor eggs or a surrogate if your egg count is low and there are minimum chances of conceiving naturally. 

What are the risks and complications associated with Ovarian Reserve testing?

Although there are no risks or complications of Ovarian Reserve testing, it has a few limitations. This test may not be able to indicate your exact fertility period. Also, the results do not guarantee conception chances. You may still not be able to conceive naturally even if you have a good egg count. In such cases, it is important to understand the root cause of infertility to plan an effective treatment course. 

Also, egg quality is significant in conception, something that cannot be measured with this test. 


Fertility involves various processes that should work in tandem for a pregnancy to occur. A single test like Ovarian reserve testing cannot fully indicate if you are fertile or not. You can get pregnant naturally even if you have a low egg count if other factors like egg quality and hormone level are normal. Talk to your doctor to better understand the root cause of your infertility and receive treatment accordingly.

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1. What is considered a good ovarian reserve number?

Anything between 0.7 to 5.0 is considered a good ovarian reserve. Also, your AMH levels should be above 1.2 for ovarian stimulation to work as expected. If your AMH levels are above 5, it may indicate PCOS.

2. Can I use home fertility tests to check my fertility?

No. Home fertility tests are not accurate, and can give skewed results if not used as instructed. It is always advisable to get your fertility check done by a registered fertility expert only.

3. What should be the AMH level for females over 35 years?

If you are over 35, your AMH levels should be anything above 1.5 mg/Ml for better chances of conception.

4. Can I improve my AMH levels naturally?

Yes. Studies have shown that consuming a healthy diet rich in micronutrients such as VItamins D and B can help boost your AMH levels.

5. How many eggs are required for IVF?

This number highly depends on your age. If you are under 35 years, 10-20 eggs are a good number. If you are over 35, having at least 25-30 eggs will give you a better chance of pregnancy.

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