
What is an Ultrasound Sonohysterogram (SHG)?

Sonohysterogram, or SHG, provides real-time imaging of the uterine cavity (the inside of the uterus) using transvaginal ultrasonography. It is a safe and low-risk procedure that uses sound waves rather than harmful radiation. The procedure evaluates patients who experience abnormal bleeding or infertility. A doctor recommends SHG when a routine ultrasound does not show the uterine cavity (endometrium) properly. A lab technician looks after the images formed on the computer, and a physician carries out the vaginal ultrasound.

Why is an SHG performed?

Investigations using SHG are performed to look into issues like irregular uterine bleeding, infertility, and recurrent miscarriage. SHG can be used to examine the uterus cavity in women with uterine abnormalities (birth defects) before and after uterine surgery or to find issues that develop later in life, like polyps or possible scar tissue inside the uterus. SHG might also investigate uterine anomalies discovered during a routine ultrasound.

However, women who are pregnant shouldn't undergo SHG. SHG should also not be done on women who have a pelvic infection that is still ongoing.

How is an SHG performed?

SHG is frequently carried out after the menstrual cycle has ended. Women who are not menstruating can have it done at any time. The following steps show how a doctor performs SHG:

  • The procedure generally occurs at the doctor’s office. Your doctor will ask you to wear a medical gown and lie flat.
  • Then, the doctor will insert a transducer (a small wand) with a special gel at the top of it into the vagina.
  • The doctor may move the wand to project different images of the uterus onto the computer screen.
  • After taking the images, she will withdraw the wand from the vagina.
  • Then she will insert a speculum into the vagina to keep the vagina open and reach the cervix.
  • Next, she will insert a thin catheter (a small tube) into the vagina’s opening. Slowly, the speculum will be taken out.
  • The doctor again places the wand in your vagina. A saline solution is pushed into the cervix and the uterus through the catheter.
  • The saline solution fills the uterus and starts to show images of the uterine cavity (endometrium).
  • After the images are seen on the screen, the doctor withdraws the wand and catheter from your vagina. The saline solution will naturally wipe out within a few hours post-procedure.

What are the risks and complications of the procedure?

The SHG test is a low-risk procedure. However, a few complications may include:

  • Pain, discomfort, spotting, and vaginal discharge post-SHG.
  • Cramps for several hours post-procedure.
  • Pelvic infection (especially in women with fallopian tube obstruction).

In case of pain and discomfort, your doctor might advise taking an anti-inflammatory medication, antibiotics, or painkillers before or after the procedure.

When should I see a doctor?

A sonohysterogram reveals uterine structures that may be causing symptoms such as pelvic pain, unexplained bleeding, or infertility. The following conditions make it necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible:

  • Your periods are heavier or longer than normal.
  • When you bleed profusely from your vagina between cycles.
  • Your pelvic pain has persisted for a while.
  • You haven't been able to get pregnant.
  • You experienced two or more miscarriages.
  • Abnormal pelvic examination.
  • Failure of multiple IVFs

Request an appointment at the Apollo fertility centre in Amritsar. Call 1860-500-4424 to book an appointment. The experts at the Apollo fertility centre in Amritsar will walk you through the procedure and, if necessary, a suitable course of treatment.


A sonohysterogram (SHG) is a perfectly safe procedure to examine a woman's uterus for abnormalities. The examination reveals the causes of infertility, pelvic pain, and vaginal bleeding. You should see a doctor if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

1. How much time does the SHG take?

Usually, the SHG takes only 30 minutes. In certain rare instances, a uterine inspection may take longer.

2. What can a SHG detect?

The doctor utilizes a sonohysterogram to identify the underlying causes of several severe disorders, including irregular uterine bleeding, infertility, and recurrent miscarriages. It may also detect abnormal uterine growths like polyps or fibroids.

3. Is SHG ultrasound painful?

With the use of advanced technology, SHG ultrasound is a painless procedure. However, your doctor may suggest some medicine in case of pain or discomfort during or after the procedure.

4. Is a SHG necessary for IVF?

The uterine cavity must be inspected with the SHG test or another procedure before starting the IVF process since it is a complete examination of the uterus.

5. Why do I need a SHG?

Your doctor may recommend a sonohysterogram in case you are experiencing heavy periods, pelvic pain, or difficulty in conceiving. A sonohysterogram can assist your doctor in identifying potential trouble spots in your uterus and endometrium.

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