Most Common Female Fertility Myths

March 15, 2019

Most Common Female Fertility Myths

Women often steer themselves clear of learning about any sort of information on how procreation actually works; for the sole fear of what they might find out. This fear stems from a fact that they might be infertile. Before jumping the gun, it is wise to bring a few possibilities into consideration.

Myths, in this world shadow even the most trivial of the subjects. So, it is possible that you’re believing these misconceptions instead of getting actual help.

Myth: Regular menstruation means easy conception

Reality: Not to burst your bubble, but this is not true. Even if your menstrual cycle occurs every month on time, that doesn’t mean a woman doesn’t have any underlying infertility conditions. Don’t be worried, though. This doesn’t mean the problem isn’t unsolvable; it most certainly is solvable. With the right medications, you will be conceived.

Myth: Once you’re above 35, it’s pretty impossible to get pregnant

Reality: While age is a major factor to estimate the state of one’s fertility, it’s not impossible to get pregnant per se. The process will be slower than you thought. But proper diet and supplements will help you with that extra boost in conception.

Myth: Infertile women can never become mothers

Reality: This myth is harsh and should not be spread around. Infertility most certainly doesn’t mean you can’t have children. There are several fertility technologies out there with maximum success stories to prove: infertility doesn’t mean you’re barren or will never be graced with a child.

Myth: You can get pregnant as soon as you start or it’s easy to get pregnant right off the bat.

Reality: While it’s mostly true that women get pregnant as soon as they start trying, 1 among 10 women still face issues with getting pregnant. The factors contributing to not getting pregnant right off the bat could be many. If you’re overweight, have hormonal issues, having any kind of sexual infection transferred to you by your partner during the intercourse or having any sort of chronicle disorders.

Myth: Prolonged usage of contraceptives may compromise your infertility

Reality: Multiple types of research have shown that women who used birth control pills were still able to conceive. Contraceptives in no means or way cause infertility. In fact, women who’ve been taking contraceptives for several years sometimes conceive during their first ovulating month.

Myth: IVF treatment will result in multiple pregnancies.

Reality: Because of the chromosomal abnormalities, doctors fertilize more than one embryo and release it in the uterus. This process was practised to increase the chances of pregnancy rate. IVF results in multiple pregnancies or higher order pregnancies when more than one embryo gets implanted. To avoid this problem, doctors now use high-end technology.

Consider every aspect of your fertility before zeroing in on any conclusion. Get an expert’s insight if you must. Bear in mind that there’s always a way to make your dream of becoming a partner come true.

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