July 27, 2018

The process of diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy is a medical procedure used to detect the causes of female infertility such as blockage in the fallopian tubes, fibrosis or sear tissue, and abnormalities such as adnexal adhesions, peritoneal endometriosis and septum in the uterus, which are correctable, but missed in the conduction of pelvic examination and imaging.


Before commencing the procedure, a doctor will administer a dose of general anesthesia to the patient. The procedures of hysteroscopy and laparoscopy are conducted in synchronisation. A hysteroscope is a narrow fibre optic telescope, which will be inserted into the body through the cervix.


Once the stereoscope has reached its destination, the procedure of laparoscopy will begin by injecting a gas, usually carbon dioxide into the abdomen. For this to be administered, a needle is inserted through the abdominal wall. By raising the levels of the abdominal wall, the gas allows a clear view of the reproductive organs to the doctor.

Once the abdomen has been successfully distended, the needle will be removed and a laparoscope will be inserted. Making another small incision in the abdomen, a grasper will be inserted. This allows the doctor to access the areas of the reproductive organs which are otherwise hidden from view. If the possibility of endometriosis or any other abnormality that can be resolved at the time is noticed, it will be treated using lasers or electrocautery. Scar tissue may be cut out with the help of scissors.


The procedure is usually a day long, and recovery can take up to a few days after that. The patient may experience swelling, redness, or itching around the stitched-up incisions during the recovery period, and there might be some vaginal discharge. In case symptoms like infections or excessive bleeding are noticed, the patient must report these to a doctor immediately.

Diagnostic hysterolaparoscopies are considered to be relatively safe procedures, with most patients reporting no side effects other than a mild level of abdominal pain for a short period after undergoing the procedure. When conducted by an experienced professional, the procedure can provide invaluable insight into a woman’s infertility struggles and can help formulate an effective treatment plan.</p>

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