How to manage PCOS?

April 8, 2018

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition where women produce excess male hormones known as androgens. This can affect ovulation and cause fluctuations in the insulin and cortisol levels. And, these two hormones are connected to stress, weight, and so much more. When women suffering from PCOS don’t manage the condition, it can lead to heart problems, endometrial cancer, diabetes and even high blood pressure. The common symptoms of this syndrome are; acne, hirsutism, and male pattern baldness.

PCOS and its diet

Usually, women suffering from PCOS have high levels of insulin, a hormone which is produced in the pancreases. This hormone is responsible in turning your blood sugar into energy. When the body does not release the necessary amounts of insulin, your blood sugar can increase. And, excess levels of insulin lead to the production of more androgens, such as testosterone.

Insulin resistance can also make it harder to lose weight. Therefore, it is important to keep a check on your diet and maintain an ideal weight.

What to eat?

Fiber-rich food

When you consume food rich in fiber, it can control your insulin resistance as it slows down the digestion and reduces the sugar levels in the blood. Food rich in fiber includes; vegetables, such as Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, and green leafy veggies, berries, lentils, beans, red and green peppers.

Lean Protein

Lean protein fills up your tummy and prevents unnecessary cravings. So, consume more tofu, chicken, and fish.


These food products can reduce inflammation and improve health. They are; tomatoes, kale, spinach, almonds, walnuts, olive oil, fruits, and omega 3-fatty acids.

What not to eat?

Refined Carbohydrates, sugar, and inflammatory food

They can cause inflammation, worsen the insulin resistance problem, and can lead to weight gain. They are; white bread, muffins, pastries, sugary desserts, white potatoes, food items made out of white flour. Pasta noodles that state semolina, durum flour or durum wheat flour as their main ingredient are also rich in carbohydrates. Also, sugar is a carbohydrate, which must be avoided at-any-cost. Therefore, make sure you always read the labels and avoid processed food. Processed or red meat, fried food, and margarine can cause inflammation, hence, steer clear.


PCOS can be controlled by proactive lifestyle choices. Therefore, make sure you exercise regularly and not practice a sedentary lifestyle. Experts suggest that you must opt for at least 150 minutes of exercise in a week. You can also visit your nearest Apollo Fertility Clinic for a complete consultation. Our doctors will provide you with a diet and exercise chart for your benefit. Also, it is important to flush out the stress from your mind, always. Stress is said to aggravate PCOS. Therefore, try meditation or yoga to keep yourself calm and relaxed.

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