
What is a Sonohysterogram?

Sonohysterogram, or SHG as it is more often called, is a type of office-based saline infusion ultrasonography. Like a transvaginal ultrasound, fluid is slowly injected into the uterus to start this process. SHG is used to examine several diseases, reproductive abnormalities, and the endometrium. Doctors can detect more structures using this method than without any fluid. This procedure is an instance of imaging used to figure out the underlying problem of infertility, heavy bleeding, and pain in the pelvis.

Reason for performing SHG

Tests using SHG could be conducted to look into issues like irregular uterus bleeding, fertility problems, and repeated miscarriage. SHG can be used to examine the uterus's anatomy. It is done in women with congenital uterine defects before and during uterine operations or to find issues that develop later on in life, like polyps or possible scar tissue within the uterus. SHG might also be used to examine uterine anomalies discovered during a standard ultrasound.

How is SHG performed?

This test can be conducted at any moment on females who are not experiencing menstruation, even postmenopausal women, or those taking medications to regulate the menstrual period.

  • The first step is a vaginal ultrasound.
  • Then a tiny catheter is inserted into the uterine cavity through the cervix.
  • In the next step, saline solution is infused into the uterus to outline the walls. It makes it possible to see problems like cysts, fibroids, and scar tissue within the uterus.

The procedure of performing SHG

The doctor will conduct a pregnancy test prior to your Sonohysterogram. When expecting or suffering from an inflammatory pelvic condition, you should avoid having a Sonohysterogram. Typically, the Sonohysterogram is planned if you are neither menstruating nor bleeding vaginally since these may impair the doctor's ability to observe the uterine lining. In order to lower the danger of infections, the test is typically performed one week following the start of your menstruation. Additionally, the uterine lining becomes its thinnest during this time, making it simpler for medical professionals to spot anomalies. Before the testing, you will be instructed to empty your bladder. To determine whether there is any discomfort or risk for infection, the doctor might first conduct a pelvic exam.  A Sonohysterogram consists of three basic stages:

  • Transvaginal ultrasound

A specific ultrasound tool must be inserted into the vagina in order to perform a transvaginal ultrasound. The probe produces sound waves that mimic the uterine lining in appearance. The initial scan will typically be performed by your doctor without any uterine fluid present. On the ultrasound screen, the images are presented.

  • Fluid infusion

A speculum will be inserted into the vaginal cavity after the doctor uses the ultrasound probe to inspect the uterus. This unique device is intended to keep the vagina open so that the cervix can be reached more easily while moving to the uterus. The lining of the cervix will be cleaned by the doctor using a specialized swab.

  • Ultrasound

In order to send extra liquid through the cervix and into the uterus, the doctor will re-insert the transvaginal ultrasonography device. While this liquid passes through the uterus, you can get some cramps. The doctor will use the ultrasound to inspect the uterine lining and, on occasion, monitor fluid movement into the fallopian tubes. They might make use of the Doppler ultrasound, which is helpful in detecting clots and the blood vessels feeding tumours and polyps.

Side effects

  • After the surgery, you can have minor bleeding or cramps. It's due to the possibility of tissue irritation from transvaginal ultrasonography use and liquid insertion.
  • Following a Sonohysterogram, pelvic tissue infection is possible. You can have a fever, discomfort, and abnormal vaginal discharge.
  • Ultrasound tests don't expose patients to radiation since sound waves are used in place of radiation.

When to get an SHG done?

A doctor may advise a Sonohysterogram for a number of signs and disorders, such as:

  • The detection of fallopian tube blockage.
  • When you've experienced miscarriage or were unable to conceive, the uterus should be tested.
  • Taking a look at scar tissue, like endometriosis.
  • Detecting irregular growths, such as polyps or uterus fibroid.
  • Recognizing uterine wall abnormalities

If you are looking for a good laboratory to get your SHG test done, you can contact Apollo Fertility, Brookefield, by calling them at 1860-500-4424 to schedule an appointment.

1. How much time does the test take?

A Sonohysterogram took approximately 45 minutes to finish. The saline Sonohysterography process would take about fifteen minutes, and the initial pelvic scanning will require about twenty minutes for a possible 45-minute overall procedure duration.

2. Who Interprets the test result?

A physician will examine the Sonohysterography test's results with training in overseeing and analyzing radiology tests, known as a radiologist. The radiologist will send a report written and signed to the physician who ordered the test. The physician will review the reports and convey the results to you. The physician may request a few follow-up tests after reviewing the results and explaining your requirements.

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