Ovulation Problems

Ovulation plays an important role when you are trying to get pregnant. There is a high chance of you getting pregnant if you have unprotected intercourse during your ovulation period.

Ovulation is when your ovaries release an egg into one of your fallopian tubes. This happens approximately 10-15 days before your next menstrual cycle. During this time, the egg is in optimum condition to get fertilized.

Ovulation problems occur when there are irregularities in the ovaries releasing eggs. If you have been unsuccessful in getting pregnant for a while, it may be wise to get yourself tested in the best fertility hospitals in Varthur to check for ovulation problems. 

Ovulation problems are mainly of two types-

  • Anovulation- This means the complete absence of ovulation. Your body may not release an egg at all due to factors such as psychological stress, eating disorder, or low BMI (Body mass index) 
  • Oligoovulation- This refers to irregular ovulation. The body releases eggs sporadically, making it difficult for you to determine your ovulation cycle. 

What are the symptoms of ovulation problems?

You may be suffering from ovulation problems if you notice any of the following symptoms-

  • Inability to get pregnant even after 6-12 months of unprotected intercourse. 
  • A long (more than 35 days) or a short (less than 21 days) menstrual cycle
  • Irregular or complete absence of periods
  • Frequent lower abdominal cramping or pain. This may indicate issues in the reproductive organs.
  • Painful periods with heavy bleeding. This may be due to conditions such as endometriosis or adenomyosis. 

Surprisingly, ovulation problems are quite common in women of childbearing age. You can consult a good IVF doctor near you if you are planning to get pregnant. 

What are the causes of Ovulation problems?

Ovulation problems in your body can occur due to several reasons. Some of them are-

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome - This is the most common cause of ovulation problems in today’s women. Polycystic ovary syndrome commonly called PCOS is due to excess male hormones in the body. Some signs of this include excess body hair, irregular or absence of periods, weight gain, acne, or cysts in the ovaries.
  • Luteal phase defect - This condition is when the uterus is not ready for pregnancy. This can result in the ovaries not releasing an egg.
  • Tumours - Tumors in any part of the reproductive organs can cause ovulation issues. Tumours on the ovaries are the most common. Sometimes, tumours on the pituitary gland can also cause ovulation problems. 
  • Disfunctioning hypothalamus of the brain - The hypothalamus of the brain is responsible for the functioning of the pituitary gland that releases a hormone for ovulation. When the hypothalamus is dysfunctional, the pituitary gland does not release the ovulation hormone. This results in ovulation problems.
  • Excess prolactin - When the pituitary gland releases excess prolactin, the body reduces the production of estrogen. This is the main hormone responsible for fertility and ovulation. 

Thankfully, most ovulation problems can be treated. You can visit the best infertility hospital near you to understand the reasons for your fertility and seek the right treatment.

When should you see a doctor?

If you have been suffering from infertility for some time and want to get pregnant, you can consult a good fertility hospital in Varthur. Signs such as irregular periods, bleeding between periods, or cramping can be signs of reproductive distress and should be addressed by a doctor.

What are the treatment options for ovulation issues?

Infertility is a complex issue that needs proper care. If you are suffering from infertility, a good fertility doctor in Varthur may recommend some tests to determine the exact cause. Once that is determined, they will chart out your treatment plan accordingly. Your treatment will also be based on your age and how long you have been infertile. 

Some commonly available treatment options for ovulation problems are-

  • Fertility drugs - Fertility drugs such as follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH) or luteinizing hormones (LH) work by triggering ovulation. 
  • Surgery - Surgery to remove the blockage of the fallopian tubes, or cysts/polyps/fibroids from the reproductive organs can help with infertility.
  • Hormone therapy - Hormonal therapy is used to get the pituitary gland to function normally. It can also help maintain normal levels of prolactin in the body for natural ovulation to occur.

Conclusion -

Most ovulation problems can be treated if you receive the right care. Timely medical attention is also necessary. Recognizing some medical conditions like ovarian cysts or PCOS early on can lead to a better prognosis.  

Request an appointment at

Apollo Fertility, Varthur

Call 1860-500-4424 to book an appointment

1. Can I get pregnant if I am not ovulating?

No. It is not possible to get pregnant without ovulating. During ovulation, your body releases an egg into the fallopian tubes to be fertilized. If there is no egg released, there can be no ovulation.

2. Is it possible to get regular periods without ovulating?

Yes. Getting regular periods does not always mean you are ovulating. If you are finding it difficult to get pregnant, you can consult a fertility specialist to understand the root cause.

3. Can I get pregnant naturally if I have PCOS?

Yes. PCOS can cause infertility but is completely treatable. You can get pregnant naturally once your PCOS symptoms are under control.

4. Can obesity cause ovulation problems?

Yes. Obesity is known to cause hormonal imbalances, that can result in ovulation problems and infertility.

5. Is anovulation genetic?

No. In most cases, anovulation or absence of ovulation is caused due to estrogen deficiency and low levels of gonadotropins. There is no scientific study to link anovulation to genetic causes.

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