
Overview of the Sonohysterogram test

A sonohysterogram (SHG) is a uterine imaging test. To examine the uterine lining, your doctor inserts fluid through the cervix into the uterus. They can recognize more structures using this method than they could use ultrasound without any fluid. This test is an illustration of imaging used to identify the underlying cause of infertility, vaginal bleeding, or pelvic pain.

About the Sonohysterogram test

An ultrasound procedure known as a sonohysterogram allows your doctor to see inside your uterus. When performing a sonohysterogram, your uterus is filled with saline so that ultrasound can record the structures and shapes inside of it. 

A sonohysterogram can assist your doctor in identifying any issues with your uterus that might be contributing to unfavourable symptoms like bleeding, pelvic pain, and blocked fallopian tubes (infertility). 

Risk factors associated with the Sonohysterogram test

Sonohysterogram is a low-risk, safe procedure. Some women may experience discomfort like bleeding or cramping after the test. An extremely small chance of pelvic infection exists. Your medical professional will take action to help stop this.

The procedure should not be performed on females who have active pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). A saline sonohysterogram should not be performed on pregnant women. Find out what risks might be relevant to you by speaking with your healthcare provider.

Preparing for the Sonohysterogram test

  1. The best time for getting accurate results of the test is when the test is done in the week after your period ends. It also reduces the chances of infection in the uterus.
  2. Eat or drink as usual. You can take your medications as usual.
  3. Your doctor may ask you to take over-the-counter medications to prevent discomfort during the test or an antibiotic to prevent infection.
  4. You are likely to wear an absorbent pad to avoid leakage of saline fluid after the test.
  5. Wear comfortable clothes on the day of your test. It will make it easier to change into the gown if asked by the doctor.
  6. Ask your doctor for any other preparation before the test.

What to expect from the Sonohysterogram test?

The organ where a baby develops during pregnancy is the uterus (womb). The cervix is the bottom of the uterus. This is the uterus' entrance. The cervix is located at the vagina's top. 

You will be awake and lying flat during the sonohysterogram. Your vagina receives an ultrasound transducer, a small wand. This wand has a unique gel coating and is protected by a disposable sheath.

An image of the interior of your uterus can be produced in real-time using the echoes from these sound waves. Your uterus's structure may be revealed by this. The saline solution aids the ultrasound in creating a clearer, more detailed image. 

Your healthcare professional will insert a small, flexible tube (catheter) into your cervix. Through the catheter, saline, a salty liquid, is delivered to your uterus. High-frequency sound waves are simultaneously transmitted into your body through the gel by the transducer.

Possible results of the Sonohysterogram test

Sonohysterography is used by medical professionals to identify a variety of medical conditions, such as:

  • Uterine fibroids (tumours)
  • Ovarian polyps
  • Uterine cancer
  • Abnormal uterine shape, and 
  • Internal scarring of tissues (endometriosis)
  • Blocked fallopian tubes (infertility)
  • Irregularities in the uterine lining

You can book your consultation at the fertility hospital in Varthur. The doctors at the fertility hospital in Varthur will provide you with the best consultation and treatment plan.

When to see a doctor? 

It is necessary to notice the following signs and seek medical consultation. The doctor generally suggests an ultrasound for a woman who experiences the following:

  • Abnormal bleeding during a period.
  • Infertility.
  • Multiple miscarriages.
  • Abnormal pelvic examination.

For the best guidance and examination, you can visit the fertility hospital in Varthur.


Ultrasound-Sonohysterogram(SHG) is a completely safe procedure to look for abnormalities in a woman’s uterus. The test reveals the causes of vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, and infertility. You should seek medical consultation on experiencing bleeding other than periods, pelvic pain, or inability to conceive. The doctor at the fertility hospital in Varthur will guide you through the test and the possible treatment option if any.

Request an appointment at

Apollo Fertility, Varthur, Bangalore

Call 1860-500-4424 to book an appointment.

1. How much time does the SHG take?

The SHG test usually takes less than 30 minutes. However, in some cases, doctors might take longer to examine the uterus.

2. Is a SHG safe?

Sonohyterogram is a safe and low-risk procedure. In a few cases, women may feel discomforts like vaginal bleeding or cramping. Consult your doctor about the same.

3. Is a SHG necessary for IVF?

As the SHG test is a deep examination of the uterus, it is necessary to examine the uterus cavity with the SHG or other procedures before moving into the IVF process. You can visit the IVF centre in Varthur for further assistance.

4. Can you eat before a SHG?

Your doctor may advise you to eat, drink and take medicines on the day of the procedure the same as on other days.

5. What can a SHG diagnose?

The doctor uses a sonohysterogram to diagnose the underlying causes of some serious issues including abnormal uterine bleeding, infertility, and repeated miscarriage. It also detects unusual uterine growth, such as fibroids or polyps.

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