Donor Program


There are many different reasons why people can decide to use donor sperm. Single women, infertile male partners, and lesbian couples can use donated sperm to help them have the children they want. It can also be used to prevent passing on a genetic ailment or illness that the male partner might carry. Similarly, there are also requirements for eggs which can be satisfied by such donor programs. 

What is Sperm Donation? 

When a guy donates his sperm, he helps a couple who would otherwise be unable to conceive on their own because of male infertility. This is termed Sperm Donation.

The donated sperm can either be artificially inseminated into the uterus of the receiving woman or combined with a woman's egg via in vitro fertilisation (IVF) to produce an embryo that will subsequently be implanted in the recipient woman's uterus or the uterus of a gestational carrier. Males can donate their sperm to a sperm bank or in the andrology lab of a reproductive clinic. Men are frequently paid by sperm banks for their participation and time.

Who can become a Sperm Donor? 

The following requirements must be met:

  • Age- Most sperm banks prefer sperm donors who are between the ages of 18 and 39. Some sperm banks, however, have an age range set between 18 and 34 years.
  • Medical history- The donor is questioned in detail about their health and family history, particularly if they have a family history of any genetic or inherited disorders. A potential sperm donor may not be eligible if they have any of these congenital diseases.
  • Testing of the semen- A person must provide numerous samples of semen before being recognised as a sperm donor. The mobility, amount, and quality of these samples are examined. More than 15 million sperm per millilitre of sperm is one of the fertility requirements for a man to be classified as fertile.
  • Genetic testing- A blood sample will be collected to determine whether the donor is a carrier of any genetic conditions that could endanger the recipient's life or the life of the donor's child, such as cystic fibrosis. The lungs suffer serious harm from such a situation. Knowing about one's family history and racial background would be further consideration.

What is Egg Donation? 

A fertile woman can give an egg, or oocyte, to another woman to aid her in getting pregnant. It is a component of ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology).

An egg or eggs from the donor are normally removed during the surgery, fertilised in a lab, and the resulting embryos are subsequently placed in the uterus of the recipient. Using an implantation technique like in vitro fertilisation, doctors accomplish this (IVF).

Who can become an Egg Donor?

The requirements are mentioned below-

  • Between 21 and 31 years old
  • Physically sound
  • A BMI of 19 to 29 (BMI Calculator)
  • Non-Smoker
  • Have monthly, regular menstrual cycles
  • Mirena does not take shots of Depo-Provera.
  • IUDs or implants are two birth control methods.
  • Own both ovaries and be in good mental health

The Bottom Line 

Donating eggs, sperm, or embryos can be a good solution for people who are having fertility issues. Gamete or embryo donation can help create families and offer a fulfilling experience for all parties involved with the right medical, legal, and psychological preparation.

Request an appointment at

Apollo Fertility in Varthur Clinic. 

Call 1860-500-4424 to book an appointment

1. Does using sperm that has been cryopreserved increase the risk of birth defects?

The sample sperm is not harmed by cryopreservation. Before using it, it is duly assessed and examined. Therefore, the likelihood of a birth defect from a cryopreserved sperm sample is the same as the likelihood of getting a birth defect from being born from a natural sexual encounter.

2. Is the process of egg donation painful?

Donating eggs shouldn't be painful. After all, if you're thinking of giving your eggs, this is probably the first thing on your mind. Egg collecting is regarded as a minimally invasive technique carried out under anaesthesia.

3. Is it legal to donate sperm?

Before any type of donation is accepted at a clinic, the donor must grant his or her permission. The donor must remain unknown to the lady or couple receiving the sperm, but the clinic must keep a record of the donor's information.

4. What negative impacts might egg donation have?

Rare allergic responses do occur. Risks and adverse effects of medications - During an egg donation cycle, there is a very small chance that ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) will manifest. OHSS typically follows egg retrieval and manifests as abdominal pain, bloating enlargement of the ovaries, and weight gain.

5. Does egg donation stop periods?

Your egg retrieval, the quick outpatient surgery to retrieve the eggs from your ovaries and freeze them, will take place between days 12 and 14 (depending on your unique biology).

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