Embryo Freezing


Embryo freezing is a process in which the eggs are collected from ovaries and fertilized with sperm in the laboratory to create an embryo. This embryo is either implanted immediately or frozen and stored for later implantation. This process is used in assisted reproductive techniques like IVF and ICSI. 

The embryo freezing is conducted through two methods - Slow freezing and Vitrification. In slow freezing, the embryo is cooled down slowly to avoid damage but is time-consuming and has the risk of water crystallization in the cell. In vitrification, the cooling is done at a very face pace, basically in seconds to avoid cell water crystallization. 

Who qualifies for Embryo Freezing?

There are certain categories of women who are candidates for this process. They are described below -   

  • If you have planned to go through a cancer treatment process which might affect your fertility.
  • If you are bearing from a non-killer disease but its treatment may affect your fertility.
  • If you have a genetic disease which might affect your fertility in the future.
  • If you have decided to undergo a surgical procedure that might affect your ovarian tissue.


  • If you are going through in vitro fertilization treatment.
  • If you don’t want to utilize the remaining embryos left post-IVF treatment.
  • If you are at risk of premature ovarian failure due to chromosomal disorder.
  • If you decided to convert to male and you are planning to start hormone therapy or undergo genital reconstructive surgery.
  • If you want to delay having a child till achieving your career objective or meeting the right person or completing your education or for other reasons.
  • If you are in armed forces.
  • If your jobs work nature might affect your fertility.

Why is it conducted?

It is conducted because, after the fertility of eggs, you might need this process due to the following reasons –

  • You decided to delay fertility treatment like IVF and ICSI.
  • Your health condition forced the postponement of fertility treatment.
  • You have already utilized the embryo and you are not in the opinion of using the remaining one.
  • You want to keep a backup if the present treatment fails to deliver.
  • You have opted to donate the embryo to others in need.
  • You are suffering from a health condition which might affect your fertility, so choose this process to preserve it.

What are the benefits associated with Embryo Freezing?

The primary positive point of this process is that it enables conception at later age of reproductive life. 

Risks and Complication associated with Embryo Freezing

In this process risks and complications are the following –

  • Chances of bleeding, blood clotting and infection due to egg collection procedure.
  • Intake of enhancement medications may result in the Imbalance of hormones in the body.
  • There are chances of failure of the process which failed to conceive.
  • Loss of preserving material during storage, retrieval or processing before implantation. 

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This alternative of fertility treatment has provided women with not only an opportunity of conceiving later in life but also a solution to various problems they face of different natures which will and might affect their capacity for conception. This process is reliable, tested and has a remarkable success rate.

1. How this process is used during IVF?

In this process, the eggs are fertilized with sperm and are implanted or stored according to need.

2. How this process is used in ICSI?

In this process, the sperm is directly injected into the egg for fertilization. The resultant embryo is implanted or stored according to need.

3. How eggs are collected from ovaries?

The eggs are collected from ovaries through a minor surgical process of follicular aspiration.

4. How long can an embryo be kept frozen?

It can be kept for an indefinite period, but usually, the lab keeps it for ten years.

5. At what temperature they are stored?

They are stored at -321 F or -196.1 C degrees in the tank.

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