Endometriosis and Adenomyosis


A disorder of the endometrial tissue that causes abnormal growth of the tissue inside of the uterine lining is commonly referred to as Endometriosis and Adenomyosis. Both disorders might develop in a different way or have varying or some similar symptoms. 

In the case of Endometriosis, cells similar to endometrial grows on the outer side of the uterus. The tissues support ligaments of the uterus and also within the cavities of the pelvis, usually found on the ovaries. They bleed monthly, following the menstrual cycle. On the other hand; in the case of Adenomyosis, cells similar to endometrial, grow on the inner side of the muscles of the uterus. These are misplaced cells that bleed monthly, following the menstrual cycle. Older people are commonly affected by this disorder and latterly it’s associated with infertility. Adolescents and persons belonging to reproductive age are usually affected by it.

Symptoms of Endometriosis and Adenomyosis

The common symptom of endometriosis and adenomyosis is pain ranging from mild to severe. Many a time, there are no symptoms in people with endometriosis however, in adenomyosis, one-third of the women have none of the symptoms. Both conditions can lead to iron deficiency which in turn leads to anaemia from menstruation.

In the case of endometriosis; when the outer layer of the uterus gets thicker where it does not belong, it starts irritating and swells neighbouring tissues and may lead to scarring. Other noticeable symptoms are belly pain (most common), painful or heavy bleeding during menstruation, vomiting, nausea, pain in the back or during peeing or pooping, etc. 

In the case of adenomyosis, unlike what happens in endometriosis, the inner side gets bigger and thicker than your womb. The symptoms that an extended uterus might cause painful and heavier periods than normal, alter the way in which the uterine muscles contract (tighten), which might put pressure on the rectum and also on the bladder. 

Causes of Endometriosis and Adenomyosis

Doctors and researchers are yet not fully understood the cause of both endometriosis and adenomyosis. Both of the conditions depend on estrogen. However, for endometriosis, the theory of retrograde menstruation, suggests that the menstrual flow travels in the backward direction during menstruation through fallopian tubes, it allows the tissue to move elsewhere rather than shedding during periods. In cases such as if you have periods lasting for more than 7 days or less than 27 days afar, your age is between 30-40, your mother, daughter or sister already has it, etc. are chances where it can go up.

On the other hand, the condition of disruption between the deepest or lowest layer of endometrial tissue and the uterine muscle in the boundary might cause adenomyosis. It can rise in cases such as if you have given at least one birth, periods started when you were 10 or younger, your menstrual cycle lasts for 24 or even fewer days, are at the age of 40 or above. 

When to see a doctor?

In case of no symptoms, the first diagnosis will be when you went to check for some other disease. For symptoms such as painful menstruation or pelvic pain, a doctor will ask related questions and will likely order some tests. The tests will rule out the cause of pelvic pain, muscle spasms and other symptoms. Consultation with a doctor is necessary to cure a disease.

Remedies / Treatment of Endometriosis and Adenomyosis

Treatment depends upon the symptoms, health and fertility goals of a person. The hormonal medicines control your hormonal cycle and assist in slowing down the growth of endometrial tissue. These medicines include progestin and progesterone, birth control pills, etc. To treat the pain of endometriosis, (GnRH) Gonadotropin-releasing hormone could benefit in releasing the pain. Another treatment for adenomyosis is hysterectomy. It is a surgery in which the uterus is basically removed and after this surgery, you can neither get pregnant nor have menstruation. However, it can permanently cure adenomyosis and reduces the symptoms of endometriosis.

The recommendation of a doctor is significant in order to ease the symptoms.


Endometriosis and adenomyosis are disorders that cause lining around the uterus. They are a disorder of endometrial tissue and a person can have one or the disorders at the same time. The cells in endometriosis which lines the womb or uterus can also grow outer side of it. It becomes difficult to get pregnant due to growth reaching the nearby organs such as the bladder, ovaries and fallopian tubes. While in adenomyosis, the cells grow and thicken inside the muscular walls of the uterus.

1. Endometriosis and Adenomyosis can have together in a person or not?

Endometriosis and Adenomyosis, both conditions can have together in a case when the tissue grows on the lining of the uterus where it should not. Both share some common symptoms but have separate conditions and treatments.

2. In Endometriosis and Adenomyosis what is worse?

Both disorders involve endometrial tissue, however, adenomyosis causes more likely heavy and painful menstruation than the other.

3. State the two surgical options to treat endometriosis.

In some of the severe cases, surgical treatments are performed which are laparoscopy and hysterectomy.

4. State some typically common symptoms of both endometriosis and adenomyosis.

The symptoms that are typically shown are painful and heavy menstruation, pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia), pain in the pelvic area, fatigue, etc.

5. What factors can cause endometriosis in a person?

Factors that put you at risk of causing endometriosis are periods started at a very early age, never given birth or periods lasting longer than 7 days, in case of older age going through menopause, etc.

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