
HyCoSy/HyFoSy test

Defective reproductive organ is the major reason for infertility in several women. Fallopian tubes and uterine cavities are some parts related to the reproductive system. If any of these parts are damaged, you may not get pregnant. HyCoSy/HyFoSy is a screening process to analyze your reproductive organs. HyFoSy stands for Hysterosalpingo foam sonography, while HyCoSy refers to Hysterosalpingo-contrast-sonography. However, both are intended to test your fallopian tubes.

To take the HyCoSy/HyFoSy test, you can contact Apollo Fertility in Guwahati. It has certified doctors and fertility treatment specialists to treat couples with infertility problems.

Why is HyCoSy better than HSG?

HSG or hysterosalpingogram is conducted using X-ray and iodine contrast. This traditional process is used to anlayse tubal patency. Scientists have found that HyCoSy is as reliable as HSG. There are various reasons for choosing HyCoSy instead of HSG. Moreover, many women have claimed HyCoSy is a less painful process. It involves identifying a small lesion in your endometrial cavity. The testing method also checks submucous fibroids that protrude into your endometrial cavity. It helps doctors ensure proper surgical removal. 

HyCoSy is also used for identifying congenital uterine issues because the external uterus contour is detectable only with ultrasound. Fertility treatment providers can easily detect the type of uterine problem that prevents your pregnancy.

What is HyFoSy/HyCoSy?

HyFoSy or HyCoSy is a special screening process to check the fallopian tubes. This simple process helps in assessing the condition of the tubes with ultrasound technology. The test will easily determine whether you have problems like blocked or defective fallopian tubes. While traditional methods use radiation or X-rays, HyCoSy uses a foam dye to reveal the interiors of structures and identify the issue. 

Fertility specialists use a thin tube to pass it into your womb. After the proper placement of tubes, the womb undergoes the scanning process. An internal scanning process ensures that the tube is in the right position. 

In the HyFoSy process, the foam passes through the tubes into your fallopian tubes and womb. Ultrasound waves move through your fallopian tubes, and by bouncing off the air, they give a view of microbubbles. They are efficient at splitting the tube’s end. But, in some cases, clear results cannot be obtained. So, you may need to be ready for further tests.

When do you need HyCoSy test?

The HyCoSy screening is done to determine whether you have open tubes and allow the movement of eggs through the tubes to facilitate fertilization. After checking the test result, doctors will do implantation to promote ovulation. 

Women who need to check whether the fallopian tubes are obstructed should take the test. Besides, doctors recommend the test to women who will undergo IUI treatment. Patients with appendicitis, pelvic infection, and endometriosis can take the HyCoSy test. Moreover, those who have undergone tubal surgery may consider this test.

How will you feel after taking the HyCoSy?

Most women who have taken this test say that the process is not uncomfortable. They have experienced only moderate to mild cramping pain, often felt during periods. However, this problem goes away when the test is over. You can resume your normal everyday activities after the HyCoSy test.

Only a few women have felt intense pain. In this case, they should not engage in other activities right away. 

How will you prepare for the HyCoSy test?

It is to be noted that you have no potential to get pregnant before undergoing the HyCoSy screening procedure. You should not engage in intercourse on the first day of menstruation until after the test. The process will interfere with embryo implantation. Besides, intercourse during the cycle will prevent fertility treatment providers from proceeding with HyCoSy. They will postpone the process until the subsequent menstruation. 

To prepare for the test, you should not use strong deodorant or perfume on a particular day. During the process, you need to undress partially and put on a special examination gown.

So, to conduct the HyCoSy/HyFoSy test, you can consult the best treatment providers at Apollo Fertility. You will receive the result within a short time of undergoing the test.

1. What are safety tips for HyCoSy screening?

You should avoid it if you have allergy to polyethylene glycol. Moreover, the process is not safe for those who are currently pregnant or have pelvic infections.

2. Which is the right time to take the test?

The ideal time to take the HyCoSy test is about the 8th to 18th day of a 28-day cycle. If your period is irregular, you should contact a specialist. The HyCoSy screening cannot be done when your bleeding continues.

3. Should I take a painkiller for the test?

Doctors may ask you to take paracetamol at least half an hour before the test. If you do not feel well after the test, you may ask your friend or family member to accompany you. But, after the process, you can drink and eat normally.

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